MorphAn is a software that supports the management of coastal sand defences. It was developed by Rijkswaterstaat and Deltares for the Dutch coast. As part of CREST activity 3, a first version for the Flemish sand coast defence is being developed, including the implementation of coastal resilience indicators. Scope Keywords: Oceanographic geographical features, ANE, Belgium Geographical coverage ANE, Belgium [Marine Regions] Contributor
Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken; Vlaams Ministerie Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken; Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken; Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium (WL), more
CREST: Climate Resilient Coast, more
Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Software/models/scripts
Metadatarecord created: 2018-02-06
Information last updated: 2025-02-06