VIS - Fishes in inland waters in Flanders, Belgium
Van Thuyne G, Breine J, Verreycken H, De Boeck T, Brosens D, Desmet P (2013): VIS - Fishes in inland waters in Flanders, Belgium. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Dataset/Occurrence.
Van Thuyne, Gerlinde Availability:
![]() Description
VIS - Fishes in inland waters in Flanders, Belgium is a species occurrence dataset published by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) and described in Brosens et al. 2015. The dataset contains over 350,000 fish occurrences sampled between 1992 and 2012 from over 2,000 locations in inland rivers, streams, canals, and enclosed waters in Flanders, Belgium. The dataset includes over 64 fish species, as well as a number of non-target species (mainly crustaceans). more
The data are retrieved from the Fish Information System (VIS), a database set up to monitor the status of fishes and their habitats in Flanders and are collected in support of the Water Framework Directive, the Habitat Directive, certain red lists, and biodiversity research. Additional information, such as measurements, absence information and abiotic data are available upon request. Geographic coverage: Flanders is one of the three administrative regions in the country of Belgium, located in the centre of Western Europe. The Flemish region is situated in the north of the country and covers an area of 13,522 km² (44,29% of Belgium). Belgium has a temperate maritime climate that is influenced by the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean with substantial precipitation in all seasons. The summers are moderate and the winters are mild. The two main geographical regions of Flanders are the coastal plain in the North-West and the Central plain, further inland. With 470 inhabitants/km², Flanders is one of the most densely populated areas of Europe. The three major rivers are the River Yser, the River Scheldt, and the River Meuse. All rivers in Flanders flow into the North Sea, but only the River Yser drains directly into the sea within the jurisdiction of Flanders. The dataset comprises enclosed waters, including cut off river arms, gravel pits, ponds, natural lakes, and artificial lakes; and riverine habitats, including head streams, tributaries, and canals part of the drainage basins of the rivers Yser, Scheldt and Meuse. These three drainage basins are divided into eleven Flemish river catchments, which are divided into 102 subbasins. Overall, there are 48 unique enclosed waters sampled at 792 locations and 419 streams and rivers sampled at 1,452 locations. Taxonomic coverage: The dataset contains 64 fish species reported from Flemish enclosed waters and watercourses, as well as a number of non-target species (mainly crustaceans). This dataset also includes a number of typical brackish water fish species which sometimes can be found in inland water sites in proximity to the sea and/or behind the sluice gates. The class of Actinopterygii is best represented (63 species), along with one Petromyzontida (Lampetra planeri) and 7 crustaceans from the order Decapoda. Sampling methods: Standardized sampling methods were used as described in Belpaire et al. (2000) and Van Thuyne & Breine (2010) and are specified in the dataset as dwc:samplingProtocol. Per water body, the same method was used for each sampling event. The default method is electric fishing, but additional techniques such as gill nets, fykes, and seine netting (variable sizes) were used as well. Electric fishing was carried out using a 5 kW generator with an adjustable output voltage of 300–500 V and a pulse frequency of 480 Hz. The number of electric fishing devices and hand-held anodes used depends on the river width (Belpaire et al. 2000). In riverine environments, electric fishing was carried out on both riverbanks in upstream direction. All fishes were identified to species level, counted, and their length and weight was measured (measurement data available upon request). Study extent: Over 2,000 locations in estuaries, inland rivers, streams, canals, and enclosed waters in Flanders, Belgium have been sampled, from March to November, since 1992. In 2001, these locations were consolidated in a monitoring network (“VISmeetnet”) of 900 sampling points. The geographic coordinates in the dataset are those of the defined sampling locations (dwc:locationID). However, as these coordinates are not always exact the actual coordinates of the catch, which may be located further up- or downriver, the coordinate uncertainty (dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters) has been set to 250 meter. Quality control: Strict field protocols where used. The Manual for Application of the European Fish Index (EFI) (Fame consortium 2004) served as a guideline for electrofishing and was used in support of the EU water framework directive. Purpose: The Fish Information System or VIS is a database created by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) which is used to monitor the status of fishes and their habitats in Flanders, Belgium and to calculate the biotic integrity (Karr 1981, Belpaire et al. 2000, Breine et al. 2004, 2007, 2010) of fish assemblages. It contains data regarding occurrences, individual morphometrics, stocks, pollutants, indices, and non-native fish species. Sampling has been going on since 1992, the database model was designed in 1994 (Verbiest et al. 1994), the first database developed in 1996 (Verbiest et al. 1996), and the consolidated database set up in 2001. VIS is used for supporting NATURA 2000, an ecological network of protected areas in Europe and to calculate the EQR (Ecological Quality Ratio) in the framework of the EU Water Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC). Further, the database provides updated information for Flemish Red Lists of fishes and lampreys (Verreycken et al. 2014) and on the distribution status of non-native and invasive fish species. The data are also crucial in fish stock management and for reporting on the status of the European eel stock as required by the Eel Regulation (Council Regulation (EC) N° 1100/2007). This dataset is a standardized extraction of all inland water species occurrences from VIS. Issues with the dataset can be reported here. The publication of this dataset was supported by the INBO as part of the Flemish contribution to LifeWatch. Scope Themes: Biology > Fish, Biology > Invertebrates Keywords: Fresh water, Belgium, Flanders, Crustacea, Pisces Geographical coverage Belgium, Flanders [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
15 December 1992 - 27 November 2012 Parameter
Occurrence of biota Contributors
Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Omgeving; Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), more, data creator
Related datasets
Parent dataset: Fish Information System (V.I.S.), more Project
LifeWatch: Flemish contribution to, more
Funding FWO Strategic Basic Research (SBO)
Based on this dataset
Belpaire, C. et al. (2000). An index of biotic integrity characterizing fish populations and the ecological quality of Flandrian water bodies. Hydrobiologia 434(1-3): 17-33., more
Describing this dataset
Brosens, D. et al. (2015). VIS - A database on the distribution of fishes in inland and estuarine waters in Flanders, Belgium. ZooKeys 475(475): 119-145., more
Used in this dataset
Breine, J. et al. (2010). A zone-specific fish-based biotic index as a management tool for the Zeeschelde estuary (Belgium). Mar. Pollut. Bull. 60(7): 1099-1112., more
Breine, J. et al. (2009). A fish-based assessment tool for the ecological quality of the brackish Schelde estuary in Flanders (Belgium), in: Breine, J. Fish assemblages as ecological indicator in estuaries: the Zeeschelde (Belgium) = Visgemeenschappen als ecologische indicator voor estuaria: de Zeeschelde (België). Doctoraten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek = PhD theses of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest, T.2009.1: pp. 131-156, more
Breine, J. et al. (2007). A fish-based assessment tool for the ecological quality of the brackish Schelde estuary in Flanders (Belgium). Hydrobiologia 575(1): 141-159., more
Breine, J. et al. (2004). A fish-based index of biotic integrity for upstream brooks in Flanders (Belgium). Hydrobiologia 522(1-3): 133-148., more
Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Data collection
Metadatarecord created: 2017-06-26
Information last updated: 2021-07-14