Projekt Zee - Scheldt estuary biotic data 1970-1976 [Projekt Zee - Biotische data Schelde 1970-1976]
![]() Description
Biotic observations for the sampling campaigns in the Scheldt estuary in the context of "Project Sea". The data are digitized from technical reports in the frame of the 4DEMON project. more
The dataset contains information on biota (phytoplankton and bacteriology) for the Scheldt estuary in the framework of "Project Sea" (1970-1976), the first Belgian marine research program in the Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS). Following laboratories participated in "Projekt Zee" Scheldt Biota : * Laboratorium voor Fyto-hydrobiologie / Algologie (KUL) * Laboratorium voor Ekologie en Systematiek (VUB) * Laboratorium voor Microbiologie en Hygïene (VUB) Scope Themes: Biology > Plankton > Phytoplankton Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Brackish water, Aerobic bacteria, Antibiotics, Biological oxygen demand, Coliform bacteria, Heterotrophic bacteria, Marine bacteria, ANE, Scheldt Estuary, Bacteria, Escherichia coli Castellani & Chalmers, 1919 Geographical coverage ANE, Scheldt Estuary [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
1970 - 1976 Parameters
Bacterial density Count of bacteria Count of phytoplankton Phytoplankton abundance Phytoplankton density Contributors
Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Laboratorium voor Ecologie en Systematiek (ECOL), more, data creator
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Joiris, C. (1973). Effet antibiotique dans l'estuaire de l'Escaut. Résultats obtenus lors d'un transect a marée haute, les 11, 12 et 13.VII.1973. 6 + figures. Technical Reports I.C.W.B. - C.I.P.S., 1973/BACT.09. Modèle Mathématique de la Pollution en Mer du Nord: Bruxelles. , more
Joiris, C. (1973). Effet antibiotique potentiel dans l'estuaire de l'Escaut - 19.IX.1973. Technical Reports I.C.W.B. - C.I.P.S., 1973/06BACT.04. Modèle Mathématique de la Pollution en Mer du Nord: Bruxelles. 2 pp., more
Boeyé, A. et al. (1972). Microbiologie van de zeebodem. Technical Reports I.C.W.B. - C.I.P.S., 1972:/BACT.05. Modèle Mathématique de la Pollution en Mer du Nord: Brussel. [no pag.] pp., more
Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2017-03-13
Information last updated: 2018-06-08