LifeWatch observatory data: sensor network for bat detection
Citable as data publication
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium (2015): LifeWatch observatory data: sensor network for bat detection.
![]() Notes: The provided dataset contains non-validated data. Tentative identifications provided here are based on automated identification by BatIdent software (, which is uncapable in separating several species (eg. within the genus Pipistrellus)
Acoustic monitoring is a powerful technique for learning about the ecology of bats. Batcorders provide continuous registration of bat activity by recording echolocation calls of passing bats. Since the bat calls are highly reliable taxonomic features, the acquired data can be used to estimate diversity and relative abundance of the occurring species.
The generated data provides a basis for ecological and behavioral research of the bat species occurring in our coastal and marine areas. more
Currently one BatCorder (ecoObs) has been installed at the Marine Station Ostend (MSO) near the dunes of the right bank of the Ostend harbor entrance. The installed BatCorder samples sound in the ultrasonic spectrum (500kHz) and makes recordings of sequences that have the characteristics of bat calls. These full spectrum recordings are analyzed using software algorithms that classify the calls according to the bat species, genus or higher taxonomic group that produced the calls. The BatCorder is scheduled to measure continuously and recordings are stored in a database. Powering the device is done using batteries and solar panels. In addition to the existing station in Ostend that was set up in spring 2014, a number of on-shore and off-shore installations are planned for the near future Scope Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Terrestrial, Data, Marine Genomics, ANE, Belgium, Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS), ANE, Belgium, Oostende Harbour, Geographical coverage ANE, Belgium, Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS) [Marine Regions] ANE, Belgium, Oostende Harbour [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
From 27 August 2013 on [In Progress] Quasi continuous (< 1 min.) Taxonomic coverage
Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Data
Data origin: Sensor platform
Metadatarecord created: 2016-03-29
Information last updated: 2021-12-03