HAB Region 2: Occurrences of harmful (toxic) algal taxa within an area of interest to Cuba compiled as part of a literature search project.
IOC-UNESCO. 2015. HAB Region 2: Occurrences of harmful (toxic) algal taxa within an area of interest to Costa Rica compiled as part of a literature search project. Version 1 In IOC-HAB Digital Collections. IOC, Paris, France. Published by OBIS, Digital http://www.iobis.org/. Accessed on –INSERT DATE. https://marineinfo.org/id/dataset/5224
Oksfeldt Enevoldsen, Henrik ;
Provoost, Pieter Availability:
![]() Description
The aim of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC) Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) global status report literature search project is to create a reliable verified data set for all toxic HAB taxa by geographic region. Records within the dataset point to an authoritative source, typically a publication that contains information on occurrence of harmful algae. This literature search is limited to only toxic algae. The full list of harmful algal species (http://www.marinespecies.org/hab/) was beyond the scope of this project. Records are summarized information and include a scientific name, the start and end dates when the taxon was observed and the geographic extent of the observations. more
The objective was not to create records for individual water samples or net tows that were collected and on which the reference paper was based - these detailed records would all be associated with a specific latitude/longitude and date/time. If the publication provided an exact area definition with latitude and longitude for the geographic extent this information is provided. If only a general place name was provided then a known locality name was assigned by the literature search editor and nominal coordinates assigned. If a harmful algal event was associated with the species occurrence, then a link to the IODE/HAEDAT database is provided. In summary this resource provides a trustworthy location of an algal taxon that points to a reference paper (literature). This resource contains contributions from HAB project editors searching for content in an area of interest to Cuba. This area was defined as the unofficial EEZ area as defined in the marine regions gazetteer (http://marineregions.org/). Scope Themes: Biology, Biology > Plankton > Phytoplankton Keywords: Marine/Coastal, ASW: Cuba, Heterocapsa circularisquama Horiguchi, 1995 Geographical coverage ASW: Cuba Temporal coverage
1 July 2009 - 11 August 2009 Taxonomic coverage
Heterocapsa circularisquama Horiguchi, 1995 [WoRMS]
Occurrence of biota Contributors
Related datasets
Published in: HAB OBIS: Harmful Algal Bloom Ocean Biodiversity Information System, more Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Literature research
Metadatarecord created: 2016-01-19
Information last updated: 2016-01-19