CP-EGGS: North Sea cod and plaice egg surveys (2004, 2009)
ICES North Sea cod and plaice egg surveys (2004, 2009). Available online at http://eggsandlarvae.ices.dk ICES, Copenhagen. Consulted on yyyy-mm-dd. https://marineinfo.org/id/dataset/4418
Holdsworth, Neil Availability: This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Notes: ICES Data Policy: https://www.ices.dk/data/guidelines-and-policy/Pages/ICES-data-policy.aspx
The dataset includes information about spatial distribution and abundance of fish eggs and larvae in the North Sea based on the data from the North Sea Cod and Plaice egg surveys.
The survey aims at studying fish egg and larval distributions in the winter in the North Sea, target species are cod and plaice. The program was steered by the WGEGGS until 2012 and is currently steered by WGEGGS2. more The North Sea cod and plaice egg surveys have been conducted in 2004 and 2009 and will be continued in 2013 alongside the MIK herring larvae sampling during the IBTS survey. The surveys were originally directed at cod and plaice, but also supply data of other winter spawning North Sea fish. The surveys are conducted with Gulf III or VII plankton torpedo’s, Bongo nets or CUFES. With the Gulf’s and Bongo’s double oblique hauls are conducted through the water column till 5m above the sea floor or a maximum of 200m depth. The CUFES sampling is a continues sampling at 5m depth. The mesh size of all sampling equipment is 280 μm. During the sampling temperature and salinity are measured. Flowmeters are used to measure the amount of water filtered while sampling. The database contains the haul information data, position, time , duration, water volume, depth, temperature and salinity. Eggs and larvae in the samples werecounted. All eggs >1mm were measured and identified to species were possible. Eggs <1 mm are counted and in 2004 measured and identified as well. There is large overlap in size some gadoids, including cod, and other species, thus identification by eye is not possible. For these, genetic analysis was used to identify the species. All eggs that are measured and identified were also staged following the stage descriptions in Appendix A. Larvae in the samples were identified to species, measured and development stage assigned. Scope Themes: Biology > Fish Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Ichthyoplankton, ANE, English Channel, ANE, North Sea, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, Pisces Geographical coverage ANE, English Channel [Marine Regions] ANE, North Sea [Marine Regions] EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box Coordinates: MinLong: -4,8419; MinLat: 48,4527 - MaxLong: 9,9878; MaxLat: 61,757 [WGS84] Temporal coverage
December 2003 - December 2004 December 2008 - December 2009 Taxonomic coverage
Pisces [WoRMS]
Abundance of eggs Egg diameter Larval length Salinity Water temperature Contributors
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), more, data manager, data creator
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van Damme, C.J.G. et al. (2009). A reanalysis of North Sea plaice spawning-stock biomass using the annual egg production method. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 66(9): 1999-2011. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsp169, more
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Describing this dataset
ICES (2013). ICES Data Centre, Eggs and Larvae Data Fact Sheet, 2013. ICES: Copenhagen. 22 pp., more
Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2013-10-30
Information last updated: 2022-06-16