PANGAEA - Data from Global environmental change: the Northern North Atlantic
Availability: This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This dataset contains data from the DFG Research Project SFB313 "Global Environmental Change: The Northern North Atlantic". These data are derived from PANGAEA. more
During the years 1985 to 1998 a special research project (SFB313) was carried out at the Christian Albrechts University, Kiel named "Sedimentation im europäischen Nordmeer' (1985-1990)", later renamed "Veränderungen der Umwelt: Der nördliche Nordatlantik' (1990-1998, The Northern North Atlantic, a Changing Environment)". Most of the data coming out from the SFB313 have been compiled, harmonized and archived in the PANGAEA information system. With the first volume of the "WDC-MARE Reports" a consistent collection of 1186 datasets with related metadata was exported from PANGAEA and is published on CD-ROM. Scope Themes: Biology > Benthos, Biology > Plankton > Phytoplankton, Biology > Plankton > Zooplankton Keywords: Deposition, sediment, Global change, AN, North Atlantic, EurOBIS calculated BBOX Geographical coverage AN, North Atlantic [Marine Regions] EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box Coordinates: MinLong: -30,9048; MinLat: -59,501 - MaxLong: 17,6027; MaxLat: 80,4853 [WGS84] Temporal coverage
Till 1996 Contributors
Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel (CAU), more, data creator, data creator
Related datasets
Dataset status: Completed
Metadatarecord created: 2010-12-09
Information last updated: 2022-07-19