Publication data from Jack Middelburg for BIOGEST (particulate del13C, del15N, POC, PON, DOC, N2O and nitrogen uptake data)
Middelburg J. 1998: Publication data from Jack Middelburg for BIOGEST (particulate del13C, del15N, POC, PON, DOC, N2O and nitrogen uptake data). Netherlands Institute of Ecology; Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology, Netherlands. Metadata available at
Contains data for particulate del13C, del15N, POC, PON, DOC, N2O en nitrogen uptake Scope Themes: Physical > Hydrography (e.g. T,S), Water composition, Water composition > Nutrients Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Fresh water, Brackish water, ANE, Portugal, Douro Estuary, ANE, Portugal, Sado Estuary, British Isles, England, Thames R., Europe, Elbe R., Europe, Rhine R., Europe, Schelde R., France, Gironde R., France, Pays de Loire, Loire R., Germany, Ems R. Geographical coverage ANE, Portugal, Douro Estuary [Marine Regions] ANE, Portugal, Sado Estuary [Marine Regions] British Isles, England, Thames R. [Marine Regions] Europe, Elbe R. [Marine Regions] Europe, Rhine R. [Marine Regions] Europe, Schelde R. [Marine Regions] France, Gironde R. France, Pays de Loire, Loire R. Germany, Ems R. [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
8 June 1996 - 12 July 1996 1 October 1996 - 5 October 1996 23 October 1996 - 30 October 1996 13 April 1997 - 25 April 1997 13 June 1997 - 16 June 1997 1 July 1997 - 6 July 1997 7 July 1997 - 9 July 1997 18 September 1997 - 23 September 1997 25 September 1997 - 27 September 1997 24 November 1997 - 28 November 1997 3 February 1998 - 6 February 1998 30 March 1998 - 3 April 1998 11 September 1998 - 14 September 1998 Related datasets
Parent dataset: BIOGEST project dataset: Biogas Transfer in Estuaries, more Project
BIOGEST: Biogas transfer in Estuaries, more
Grant agreement ID OS 1.95.8; ENV4-CT96-0213
Based on this dataset
Middelburg, J.J.; Herman, P.M.J. (2007). Organic matter processing in tidal estuaries, in: Goldberg, E.D. (Ed.) (1974). Marine chemistry. The sea: ideas and observations on progress in the study of the seas, 5: pp. 127-147., more
Abril, G. et al. (2000). Transient, tidal time-scale, nitrogen transformations in an estuarine turbidity maximum-fluid mud system (The Gironde, south-west France). Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 50(5): 703-715., more
Middelburg, J.J.; Nieuwenhuize, J. (2000). Nitrogen uptake by heterotrophic bacteria and phytoplankton in the nitrate rich Thames estuary. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 203: 13-21, more
Middelburg, J.J.; Nieuwenhuize, J. (2000). Uptake of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in turbid, tidal estuaries. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 192: 79-88., more
Metadatarecord created: 2009-01-07
Information last updated: 2009-10-08