MWTL biological monitoring network : sea grass [MWTL biologisch monitoring netwerk: zeegras]
Availability: Unrestricted
The data are freely available to anybody and may be used for any purpose. Usage acknowledgement may be required Description
The sea grass site offers an interactive atlas with simplified and detailed maps of areas in the Netherlands where sea grass is growing. Scope Themes: Biology, Biology > Plants Keywords: Fresh water, Brackish water, Sea grass, Vegetation cover, ANE, Netherlands, Zostera marina Linnaeus, 1753, Zostera noltei Hornemann Geographical coverage ANE, Netherlands [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
From 1974 on [In Progress] Parameter
% seagrass coverage Contributors
Related datasets
Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2007-10-24
Information last updated: 2007-10-24