Bacteria and chlorophyll-a water column observations (surface to ~150m), April-August 2001, Continental Margin Western Antarctic Peninsula, GLOBEC
Fritsen, C. Bacteria and chlorophyll-a water column observations (surface to ~150m), April-August 2001, Continental Margin Western Antarctic Peninsula, GLOBEC
Van de Putte, Anton Availability:
![]() Description
Data on bacteria abundance and chlorophyll-a concentrations collected in June - August 2001 in Antarctic waters. more
Water sampling for bacteria abundance and chlorophyll-a concentrations were collected in the near surface waters (0-150m) using a CTD niskin rosette sampler during 2 ship cruises to the Antarctic, June-August 2001. The general survey area includes: the continental shelf to the west of the Antarctic Peninsula extending from the northern tip of Adelaide Island to the southern portion of Alexander Island, Marguerite Bay, and seaward to the ~2000 meter contour. Data reported: bacteria abundance, bacteria carbon biomass and chlorophyll-a concentrations. Ships/cruises:
Scope Themes: Biology > Pigments (e.g. chlorophyll) Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Antarctica, Antarctic Peninsula, PS, Southern Ocean, Bacteria Geographical coverage Antarctica, Antarctic Peninsula [Marine Regions] PS, Southern Ocean [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
20 April 2001 - 30 August 2001 Unknown Taxonomic coverage
Bacteria [WoRMS]
Biomass Chlorophyll a Occurrence of biota Presence of biota Contributors
Related datasets
Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2007-03-29
Information last updated: 2019-04-09