
07 Mar 2014

VLIZ Young Marine Scientists Day 2014

Practical info


07 Mar 2014 10:00 - 07 Mar 2014 18:00

Xaverianenstraat 10
8200 Bruges
On March 7th 2014, several demo sessions at the VLIZ Marine Scientist Day in Bruges (Belgium) highlighted different aspects of the Flemish LifeWatch infrastructure, and its related components: The Flemish contributions to LifeWatch - A general overview [Dekeyzer Stefanie, Klaas Deneudt, Leen Vandepitte, Annelies Goffin, Simon Claus and Francisco Hernandez] Building a digital Zooplankton sample library as part of the LifeWatch marine observatory (live demo of the ZooScan) [Mortelmans Jonas, Lennert Tyberghein, Klaas Deneudt and Francisco Hernandez] Big brother is watching you! An acoustic receiver network to track the whereabouts of fishes [Reubens Jan, Ans Mouton, Klaas Deneudt, Francisco Hernandez and André Cattrijsse] GPS tags reveal movements of Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls along the Belgian coast [Stienen Eric W.M., Peter Desmet, Luc Lens, Hans Matheve, Francisco Hernandez and Willem Bouten] Demo of the LifeWatch web services: online data processing tools for biodiversity research [Waumans Filip, Robin Houthoofdt, Bart Vanhoorne, Stefanie Dekeyzer, Aina Trias Verbeeck, Leen Vandepitte, Klaas Deneudtand Francisco Hernandez] Oral presentations mentioning/based on the Belgian LifeWatch infrastructure: Big brother is watching you! An acoustic receiver network to track the whereabouts of fishes [Reubens Jan, Ans Mouton, Klaas Deneudt, Francisco Hernandez and André Cattrijsse] Combining GPS tracking and stable isotope analysis to predict changes in guii dynamics [Sotillo Alejandro, Eric Stienen, Magda Vincx and Luc Lens] Poster presentations mentioning/based on the Belgian LifeWatch infrastructure: Investigating evolution of closely related, sympatric cryptic species using complete mitochondrial DNA [Grosemans Tara, Sofie Derycke and Tom Moens] Towards a compilation of biological trait data for European macroalgae [Vranken Sofie, Stefanie Dekeyzer, Leen Vandepitte, Simon Claus, Olivier De Clerck] The book of abstracts is available here.