VLIZ Marine Science Day 2024
Practical info

06 Mar 2024 09:30 - 06 Mar 2024 19:30

De Grote Post
Hendrik Serruyslaan 18A
8400 Ostend
Hendrik Serruyslaan 18A
8400 Ostend

The VLIZ Marine Science Day 2024 will be held on Wednesday 6 March in De Grote Post (Ostend)
This year’s VLIZ Marine Science Day (6 March 2024, Grote Post Oostende) dedicated to the EU Mission Ocean and framed within the Belgian EU Presidency and the UN Ocean Decade.
This edition of the VLIZ Marine Science Day will be a very special one, as VMSD 2024 formally frames the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union. This European and international dimension is reflected in the overarching themes of the day: this edition will be firmly rooted in the EU Mission Ocean and the global perspective of the UN Ocean Decade.
Renowned personalities such as Mission Ocean co-lead John Bell and esteemed diver-explorer Paul Rose will deliver keynote speeches, setting the stage for a diverse program encompassing interactive sessions, presentations, and poster sessions. Covering a wide spectrum of topics - from marine biology to cutting-edge marine technology and policy – interactive and immersive sessions will offer valuable insights and foster meaningful exchanges. Participants from academia, government agencies, non-profit organizations, industry, and the public sector will have ample opportunities to engage, learn, and contribute to the goals of Mission Ocean and the UN Ocean Decade.
At the VLIZ Marine Science Day, many activities of LifeWatch will be showcased in demo booths, posters and oral sessions, have a look at the programme here:
Wout Decrop from VLIZ will present 'AI in marine sciences: detection and classification of marine vessels with underwater acoustic data' - using the LifeWatch acoustic network
Clea Parcerisas will present 'Analyzing Belgian marine soundscapes using unknown sound events' - using the LifeWatch acoustic network
The Biodiversity Room will showcase
an interactive quiz of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS)
a booth how acoustic sensors are used in the Marine Observation Center of VLIZ to observe and study marine animals
a plankton imaging & machine learning booth
showcase the citizen science initiative 'Big Seashell Survey'
a marine protected area game in which Marine Regions collaborated with the European Marine Board
Also many posters will present research supported by LifeWatch data and expertise
Join us for a journey of discovery and collaboration!