
21 Mar 2018

VLIZ Marine Science Day 2018

Practical info


21 Mar 2018 09:30 - 21 Mar 2018 19:45

MEC Staf Verluys
Kapelstraat 76
8450 Bredene
On 21 March 2018, several demo sessions and informative posters at the VLIZ Marine Science Day in Bredene (Belgium) highlighted different aspects of the Flemish LifeWatch infrastructure, and its related components: Knock knock, who’s there? (a demonstration of the bat calls recorded with the BatCorder infrastructure) [demo] [Debusschere Elisabeth, Reubens Jan, Wydooghe Benny, Mortelmans Jonas, Deneudt Klaas and Hernandez Francisco] Building an online and interactive scientific data explorer for LifeWatch observatory data [demo] [Dekeyzer Stefanie, Deneudt Klaas, Wydooghe Benny, Mortelmans Jonas, Debusschere Elisabeth, Reubens Jan and Hernandez Francisco] From sample to library: The ZooSCAN pathway unraveled [demo] [Mortelmans Jonas, Amadei Martínez Luz, Deneudt Klaas and Hernandez Francisco] World Register of Marine Species [demo] [Vandepitte Leen, Vanhoorne Bart, Decock Wim, Lanssens Thomas, Dekeyzer Stefanie, Verfaille Kevin and Hernandez Francisco] Marine Data Archeology: Bringing historical data back alive [informative poster] [Knockaert Carolien, Dewitte Elien, Goffin Annelies and Tyberghein Lennert] – a world reference for Maritime Boundaries [informative poster] [Souza Dias Francisco, Oset Garcia Paula, Claus Simon, De Hauwere Nathalie, Vanhoorne Bart, Hernandez Francisco and Mees Jan] Oral presentations mentioning/based on the Belgian LifeWatch infrastructure: The impact of decades of human-induced environmental change on phytoplankton communities in the Belgian part of the North Sea [Nohe Anja, Goffin Annelies, Tyberghein Lennert, Lagring Ruth, De Cauwer Karien, Vyverman Wim and Sabbe Koen] Poster presentations mentioning/based on the Belgian LifeWatch infrastructure: Phytoplankton dynamics in the Belgian coastal zone monitored with a Cytosense flowcytometer [De Blok Reinhoud, Debusschere Elisabeth, Tyberghein Lennert, Mortelmans Jonas, Hernandez Francisco, Deneudt Klaas, Sabbe Koen and Vyverman Wim] Application of two way nesting model to upscale sediment processes of the Southern Bight of the North Sea: full model validation [Ivanov Evgeny, Capet Arthur, Barth Alexander, Delhez Eric, Soetaert Karline and Grégoire Marilaure] The book of abstracts is available here.