
02 Sep 2019

Tools for Southern Ocean spatial analysis and modelling course

Practical info


02 Sep 2019 11:00 - 06 Sep 2019 19:00

Course Scope The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research is pleased to partner with the rOpenSci project and the Antarctic Biodiversity Portal (LifeWatch Belgium partner) in organising a short course on tools for Southern Ocean spatial analysis and modelling using R. This course will teach participants how to retrieve, model and interpret species occurrence data from the Southern Ocean using R-tools developed through the Antarctic R community. In hands-on sessions, participants will learn how to find, download and clean data using R packages and how to display these data on Antarctic (polar projection) maps. The course will introduce various ways of analyzing the data including Species Distribution Modelling (SDM). Course Objectives Our aim is that by the end of the course students will be equipped to: Set up a workflow for the retrieval, cleaning and analysis of Southern Ocean biological data Learn which R packages can be used to do this Learn about species distribution models and how to develop them Apply these new insights to their own data. Course length The first part of the course (3 days) will focus on introducing various R packages and overall workflows. The second part of the course (2 days) will be a hands-on opportunity for participants to work on their own data with the assistance of the course instructors. You can choose to only register for the first part of the course if you prefer. The course is targeting Polar Early Career scientists, but is open to any other research students or scientists that require these skills for their work. There is space for a maximum of 20 participants. Requirements Some experience in the computer language R is desirable, and experience with GIS is helpful. All participants must bring their own personal laptop. If you are not sure if your experience in R is sufficient, you should follow the one of the free online courses below: Language English Code of Conduct To ensure a safe, enjoyable, and friendly experience for everyone who participates, we have a strict code of conduct that all participants are expected to follow. Fees and Funding There is a 75 euro registration fee for the course. The fee include full participation in the course, and digital copies of the course material, as well as coffee breaks and a small lunch. Participants will need to arrange their own travel and accommodation, but limited  travel support will be available in collaboration with the SCAR Ant-Eco research program. Registration Deadline for applications is Friday June 15th. After this date you will be notified of the offer of a place and sent an invoice for the course fee. The deadline for payment is Friday 7th July 2018. Failure to pay will lead to your place being offered to someone else. You can register using this form. If you have questions or suggestions you can create an issue on the github page. Alternatively you can contact //--> . Additional information and updates are available on the link below.