
Research Data Management workshop: Hands-on introductions to research data management and publication
27 Sep 2022

Research Data Management workshop: Hands-on introductions to research data management and publication

Practical info


27 Sep 2022 11:30 - 27 Sep 2022 19:00

VAC Herman Teirlinck
Havenlaan 88, Room 01.70 Ferdinand Peeters
1000 Brussels
LifeWatch and Elixir Belgium invite you to a hands-on workshop to manage and publish research data. The workshop is organized in the context of the Empowering Biodiversity Research conference (EBRII) and will cover data management plans, data cleaning and GitHub. If this is jargon you always wanted to know about (but were afraid to ask), then this workshop is for you! This workshop is aimed at environmental and life scientists that manage research data, from PhD students to senior scientists. It is an introductory workshop to data management, data cleaning and data publishing. We recommend participants to have a basic understanding of R and its data types. We can send resources for people who need an introduction to R before this workshop. The level of this workshop is from beginner to intermediate, we will not cover advanced materials. If you are already familiar with the topics listed in the schedule you might not benefit from this workshop. But please contact us if you would like a more advanced workshop in any of the topics listed here. Requirements Participants should bring a laptop with a Mac or Windows operating system (not a tablet, Chromebook, etc.) and administrative privileges. Please install the following programs beforehand: a text editor (such as atom or notepad++) a spreadsheet editor (excel or libreoffice) RStudio (open source desktop edition) GitHub Desktop Programme 09:30 Welcome & registration 09:45 Good enough practices for research data management - Tanja Milotic (LifeWatch) 10:15 An introduction to Elixirs tools for Research Data Management - Flora D’Anna & Rafael Buono (ELIXIR) 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 Data cleaning and standardisation in R - Salvador Fernandez & Laura Marquez (LifeWatch) 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Data cleaning and standardisation in R (continued) 14:30 An introduction to GitHub - Damiano Oldoni & Peter Desmet (LifeWatch) 15:15 Coffee break 15:45 An introduction to GitHub (continued) 17:00 End Registration The workshop, lunch and coffee breaks are offered for free by LifeWatch Flanders. The workshop is limited to 25 participants. Registration is required and can be done by following this link.