
27 Nov 2016

Dag van de Wetenschap 2016

Practical info


27 Nov 2016 10:00 - 27 Nov 2016 18:00

Marine Station Ostend (MSO)
RV Simon Stevin
8400 Oostende
On November 27th 2016, VLIZ celebrated Science Day (Dag van de Wetenschap). For this event, VLIZ opened the doors of its Marine Station Ostend (MSO) and the LifeWatch laboratories for the public at large, for the third year in a row. Two aspects of the Flemish LifeWatch infrastructure were presented: (1) the tagging of fish (European eel and Atlantic cod), where live eels could be admired by the public, and (2) the ongoing phyto-and zooplankton research, with the FlowCam, ZooScan and Video Plankton Recorder on display. Furthermore, the RV Simon Stevin could be visited, where the Flow Cytometer could be viewed. The event was advertised through various channels (Twitter, posters, newspapers, etc.) by the Communication Department of VLIZ. In 2016, the event attracted 780 visitors at the MSO, and 875 visitors for the RV Simon Stevin, which is a lot more than in 2015 (301 visitors for MSO, and 363 visitors for the RV Simon Stevin).