Biodiversity Monitoring in Luxembourg
Practical info

18 Oct 2024 20:30 - 18 Oct 2024 17:30

28 rue Münster, 2160 Grund Luxembourg

From the onset of biodiversity monitoring in Luxembourg around 15 years ago, field data have been collected according to standardized sampling designs and procedures with a view to increase our understanding of biodiversity dynamics across the country.
Acquiring such structured data is essential to report on changes in the conservation status of certain species in the frame of EU directives or regulations, to update red lists at the national level or to produce new distribution atlases. It also opens opportunities for the implementation of novel approaches to process and analyse such data and generate indicators reflecting the state of nature in Luxembourg.
Monitoring programmes have recently been initiated to explore the status of organisms providing key ecosystem services. Alternative technological approaches are increasingly emerging as a solution to improve the detection and survey of species across space and time. Citizens are also increasingly taking part as volunteers in a range of monitoring activities across the country.
The time has come to take stock of progress made in the recent years and to discuss on future opportunities and challenges for biodiversity monitoring in Luxembourg.
LifeWatch colleague Julien Radoux is presenting a poster.