The Mission of LifeWatch is to become the research infrastructure providing access to the world’s biodiversity content, services and communities in one click
What is LifeWatch?
LifeWatch Belgium is one of the eight national nodes composing LifeWatch ERIC, the e-Science European Infrastructure consortium providing data resources, web services and Virtual Research Environments (VRE) to biodiversity and ecosystem research.
What do we do?
LifeWatch Belgium develops and operates a number of essential and complementary infrastructure components:
• a species information backbone as a central European component;
• a regional marine, freshwater and terrestrial observatory;
• a facility for habitat mapping from remote sensing;
• an Antarctic virtual lab for biodiversity*;
Please have a look at our website to discover in more detail what we do.
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Flanders: VLIZ/INBO

Wallonia -Brussels: Université catholique de Louvain

Federal: RBINS

*Research fellow
(*note – currently not funded as LifeWatch)
LifeWatch ERIC
Cooperation between LifeWatch Belgium and LifeWatch ERIC
LifeWatch ERIC is the European Research Infrastructure Consortium providing e-Science research facilities to scientists investigating biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services in order to support society in addressing key planetary challenges.
LifeWatch Belgium, also called the National Distributed Centre for LifeWatch Belgium, combines the regional and federal LifeWatch contributions from Belgium.
LifeWatch Metadata Catalogue