LifeWatch Maritime Industry Advisory Board Meeting - REMOTE
Are you interested in applications of Big data and Supercomputing in the blue economy? Have you already thought about a Digitaltwin of the North Sea and what that could mean for you and your company? Which Marine Data is still lacking for the development of successful industrial applications at sea?
The first meeting of the LifeWatch Maritime Industry Advisory Board is taking place on 25 September 2020.
During this online meeting we will present how we, in collaboration with the Flemish Supercomputing Center (VSC), are working on making the LifeWatch data available on the high-performance VSC ICT infrastructure and we will examine the data requirements from the blue economy. You will have the opportunity to ask the experts of VSC concrete questions about the possibilities and opportunities regarding the use of their infrastructure. In addition, together with the Blue Cluster, we are also looking into the possibilities of setting up use cases, such as a Digital Twin of the North Sea, around this.
The program for Friday September 25 is as follows:
- 10:00-11:15 Part 1 (informative)
Introduction LW Maritime industry Advisory Board and LifeWatch data
Introduction Flemish Supercomputing Center (VCS): facilities, services, possibilities for companies
Introduction Blue Cluster and presentation results questionnaire
· 11:15-11:30 Short break
· 11:30 Part 2 (practical and interactive)
Demonstration LifeWatch on VSC cloud - prototype
Brainstorm use cases
· 12:30 End of the meeting
Registration for this meeting is mandatory; please register here, before September 18th.
Instructions to participate in the video conference will be provided to you after registration.
Meanwhile, we have not been idle: at the request of the Flemish Supercomputing Center (VSC), we are currently investigating how the LifeWatch data can be made available via their high-performance ICT infrastructure. Furthermore, in cooperation with the Blue Cluster, we are looking at interesting use cases for industry that are possible based on this data.
In this regard, a questionnaire about data and sensors was set up. You can find more information about this questionnaire here (in Dutch).
If you are interested, please fill in this questionnaire here (in Dutch).