International Summer School Data FAIRness in Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures | Lifewatch regional portal

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International Summer School Data FAIRness in Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures

LifeWatch ERIC and the ENVRIplus H2020 project are organising their joint International Summer School "Data FAIRness in Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures: Theory & Practice" which will take place in Lecce (Italy), from 1 to 5 July 2019.

The course will focus on the specific Data FAIRness phase in the Environmental and Earth sciences. It is built as a five-day summer school where leading scientists will address this topic from different perspectives. We offer a cutting edge and high-quality programme, aimed at fostering a rich and lively intellectual exchange.

The Summer School is mainly addressed to staff working in the relevant international research infrastructures. The school is also open to PhD students, Post-Docs and Master students about to start a Doctorate. LifeWatch ERIC and ENVRIplus financially support accommodation (from 30 June to 6 July inclusive), lunches, a welcome and a social dinner for maximum 20 participants. Travel expenses will not be covered by the organisers.

Registration will be open until 30 April 2019.

More information on the link below.

University of Salento
73100 Lecce
Lundi, juillet 1, 2019 - 09:00 - Vendredi, juillet 5, 2019 - 18:00