LifeWatch-WoRMS AnnelidaBase Editor Workshop | Lifewatch regional portal

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LifeWatch-WoRMS AnnelidaBase Editor Workshop

This workshop is aimed at the taxonomic editors of AnnelidaBase.

Aims of the workshop:

  • Develop the structure of AnnelidaBase, a new WoRMS interface for all annelids. Discuss design of AnnelidaBase interface and discuss higher classification problems between annelid taxa groups.
  • New/old editor further familiarising with WoRMS, training & updating, with real data entry of new content.
  • Advance the addition of existing Delta keys for annelids to WoRMS/AnnelidaBase.

Expected outcomes of the workshop:

  • Launch of AnnelidaBase within four months after the May workshop.
  • Submission of an AnnelidaBase database-content background paper to a suitable journal to promote AnnelidaBase & WoRMS to users.
  • At least one annelid key to families available online at WoRMS soon after the workshop.
Wandelaarkaai 7
8400 Oostende
Lundi, mai 22, 2017 - 09:00 - Mercredi, mai 24, 2017 - 13:30