This institute is the successor of the institute underneath Unité d' Océanographie Physique (ULG), more
English name: GeoHydrodynamics and Environmental Research
Parent institute: Université de Liège; Faculté des Sciences; Département d'Astrophysique, Géophysique et Océanographie (ULG-AGO), more
Previous name: Université de Liège; Département de Mécanique des Fluides Géophysiques; Unité d' Océanographie Physique (ULG), more
Thesaurus terms (3) : Geophysics; Hydrodynamics; Modelling
MRG keywords (3) : Biogeochemistry; Climate change; Hydrodynamics
Geographical terms (6) : ANE, North Sea [Marine Regions]; Eurasia, Aral Sea [Marine Regions]; IN, Bering Sea [Marine Regions]; ISEW, South China Sea [Marine Regions]; ISW, Persian Gulf [Marine Regions]; MED, Black Sea [Marine Regions]
Address: Quartier Agora
Allée du 6 Août 19C 4000 Liège Belgium
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Type: Scientific
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Persons formerly associated with this organization (28) |
- Ronday, François
- Schiettecatte, Laure-Sophie
- Sirjacobs, Damien
- Subekti, Mujiasih
- Tigny, Vincent
- Tomazic, Igor 3
- Toussaint, M.-E.
- van der Rest-Jaspers, Marie
- Vandenbulcke, Luc 2
- Yan, Yajing 2
Abstract: |
The GeoHydrodynamics and Environmental research group (GHER) was formerly known as 'unité d'Océanographie Physique'. The group focuses on marine and environmental studies and modelling.
In the 1970s, in the framework of 'Project Sea', the GHER participated in the study of many different marine sites, such as the North Sea, the Black Sea, the Aral Sea, the South China Sea, the Bering Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea. Current research activities focus on the merging of statistical data analyses and modelling into assimilated approaches, such as nested coastal models. Model verification using wavelets and other advanced statistical tools is another research focus, as well as cloud filling based on empirical orthogonal functions.
The research group participated in many European projects, such as EROS2000 and EUROMODEL, resulting in the Mediterranean 3D primitive equation hydrodynamic models, and MERMAIDS, MODB, MEDAR and SeaDataNet (in which the oceanographic database and data analysis tools were elaborated). Furthermore, the GHER team is also responsible for the organisation of the annual International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. |
Publications (197) |
Top | Persons | Projects | Events | Datasets |
( 151 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Webb, T.J.; Beja, J.; Fernández Bejarano, S.J.; Ramos, E.; Sainz-Villegas, S.; Soetaert, K.; Stolte, W.; Troupin, C.; Weigel, B. (2025). Realising the potential of interoperable data products to improve the outlook for marine biodiversity: Lessons from the European marine observation and data network. Mar. Policy 173: 106578., more
Doglioni, F.; Ricker, R.; Rabe, B.; Barth, A.; Troupin, C.; Kanzow, T. (2023). Sea surface height anomaly and geostrophic current velocity from altimetry measurements over the Arctic Ocean (2011-2020). ESSD 15(1): 225-263., more
Grégoire, M.; Alvera-Azcaráte, A.; Buga, L.; Capet, A.; Constantin, S.; D’Ortenzio, F.; Doxaran, D.; Faugeras, Y.; García-Espriu, A.; Golumbeanu, M.; González-Haro, C.; González-Gambau, V.; Kasprzyk, J.-P.; Ivanov, E.; Mason, E.; Mateescu, R.; Meulders, C.; Olmedo, E.; Pons, L.; Pujol, M.-I.; Sarbu, G.; Turiel, A.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Rio, M.-H. (2023). Monitoring Black Sea environmental changes from space: jnew products for altimetry, ocean colour and salinity. Potentialities and requirements for a dedicated in-situ observing system. Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 998970., more
Hamdeno, M.; Alvera-Azcaráte, A. (2023). Marine heatwaves characteristics in the Mediterranean Sea: case study the 2019 heatwave events. Front. Mar. Sci. 10: 1093760., more
Mohamed, B.; Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcaràte, A. (2023). Extreme marine heatwaves and cold-spells events in the Southern North Sea: classifications, patterns, and trends. Front. Mar. Sci. 10: 1258117., more
Vargas-Yanez, M.; Sanchez-Leal, R.F.; Alvera-Azcarate, A.; Troupin, C.; Moya, F.; Ballesteros, E.; Serra, M.; Balbin, R.; Molto, V.; Garcia-Martinez, M.C. (2023). Opportunity observation of an Algerian Eddy to the south of Cape Palos (southwestern Mediterranean Sea). Sci. Mar. (Barc.) 87(3): e070., more
Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Troupin, C.; Beckers, J.-M. (2022). DINCAE 2.0: multivariate convolutional neural network with error estimates to reconstruct sea surface temperature satellite and altimetry observations. Geosci. Model Dev. 15(5): 2183-2196., more
Pujol, C.; Pérez-Santos, I.; Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A. (2022). Marine heatwaves offshore Central and South Chile: understanding forcing mechanisms during the years 2016-2017. Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 800325., more
Stechele, B.; Van der Zande, D.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Delbare, D.; Lacroix, G.; Nevejan, N. (2022). Biological site suitability for exposed self-regulating cultivation of blue mussel (Mytilus edulis): a Belgian case study. Aquacult. Eng. 98: 102264., more
Wang, Y.G.; Counillon, F.; Barthelemy, S.; Barth, A. (2022). Benefit of vertical localization for sea surface temperature assimilation in isopycnal coordinate model. Front. Clim. 4: 918572., more
Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Van der Zande, D.; Barth, A.; Troupin, C.; Martin, S.; Beckers, J.-M. (2021). Analysis of 23 years of daily cloud-free chlorophyll and suspended particulate matter in the greater North Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 8: 707632., more
Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Van der Zande, D.; Barth, A.; Cardoso dos Santos, J.F.; Troupin, C.; Beckers, J.-M. (2021). Detection of shadows in high spatial resolution ocean satellite data using DINEOF. Remote Sens. Environ. 253: 112229., more
Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Troupin, C.; Goosse, H.; McPhaden, M.J.; Beckers, J.-M. (2021). Editorial to the Liège Colloquium Special Issue: long-term studies in oceanography – a celebration of 50 years of science at the Liège Colloquium (1969 – 2018). Ocean Dynamics 71(1): 119-123., more
Barth, A.; Troupin, C.; Reyes, E.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Tintoré, J. (2021). Variational interpolation of high-frequency radar surface currents using DIVAnd. Ocean Dynamics 71(3): 293-308., more
Belgacem, M.; Schroeder, K.; Barth, A.; Troupin, C.; Pavoni, B.; Raimbault, P.; Garcia, N.; Borghini, M.; Chiggiato, J. (2021). Climatological distribution of dissolved inorganic nutrients in the western Mediterranean Sea (1981-2017). ESSD 13(12): 5915-5949., more
Buurman, M.; Troupin, C.; Barth, A.; Bruvry-Lagadec, L.; Mieruch, S.; Krishnan, N.; Santinelli, G.; Baart, F.; Thijssen, P.; Waumans, F.; Zamani, T. (2021). SeaDataCloud Virtual Research Environment: Implementation and technical aspects, in: Fichaut, M. et al. IMDIS 2021 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 12-14 April, 2021 Online: Book of Abstracts. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 62(Suppl. 1): pp. 114-116, more
Cabrera, P.; Otero, V.; Everaert, G.; Sauzède, R.; Remanan, R.P.; Claustre, H.; Uitz, J.; Barth, A.; Troupin, C.; Schepers, L. (2021). Blue-Cloud Demonstrator: A machine learning approach to derive plankton biomass and diversity products from the Global Ocean, in: Fichaut, M. et al. IMDIS 2021 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 12-14 April, 2021 Online: Book of Abstracts. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 62(Suppl. 1): pp. 27-31, more
Grégoire, M.; Garçon, V.; Garcia, H.; Breitburg, D.; Isensee, K.; Oschlies, A.; Telszewski, M.; Barth, A.; Bittig, H.C.; Carstensen, J.; Carval, T.; Chai, F.; Chavez, F.; Conley, D.; Coppola, L.; Crowe, S.; Currie, K.; Dai, M.; Deflandre, B.; Dewitte, B.; Diaz, R.; Garcia-Robledo, E.; Gilbert, D.; Giorgetti, A.; Glud, R.; Gutiérrez, D.; Hosoda, S.; Ishii, M.; Jacinto, G.; Langdon, C.; Lauvset, S.K.; Levin, L.A.; Limburg, K.E.; Mehrtens, H.; Montes, I.; Naqvi, W.; Paulmier, A.; Pfeil, B.; Pitcher, G.; Pouliquen, S.; Rabalais, N.; Rabouille, C.; Recape, V.; Roman, M.; Rose, K.; Rudnick, D.; Rummer, J.; Schmechtig, C.; Schmidtko, S.; Seibel, B.; Slomp, C.; Sumalia, U.R.; Tanhua, T.; Thierry, V.; Uchida, H.; Wanninkhof, R.; Yasuhara, M. (2021). A global ocean oxygen database and atlas for assessing and predicting deoxygenation and ocean health in the open and coastal ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 8: 724913., more
Mujiasih, S.; Hartanto, D.; Beckers, J.-M.; Barth, A. (2021). Reducing the error in estimates of the Sunda Strait currents by blending HF radar currents with model results. Cont. Shelf Res. 228: 104512., more
Shahzadi, K.; Pinardi, N.; Barth, A.; Troupin, C.; Lyubartsev, V.; Simoncelli, S. (2021). A new global ocean climatology. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9: 711363., more
Troupin, C.; Barth, A.; Bruvry-Lagadec, L.; Buurman, M.; Kaitala, S.; Krishnan, N.; Mieruch, S.; Santinelli, G.; Thijssen, P.; Waumans, F.; Zamani, T. (2021). Working with the SeaDataCloud Virtual Research Environment: what can we do for you?, in: Fichaut, M. et al. IMDIS 2021 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 12-14 April, 2021 Online: Book of Abstracts. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 62(Suppl. 1): pp. 117-118, more
Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Licer, M.; Beckers, J.-M. (2020). DINCAE 1.0: a convolutional neural network with error estimates to reconstruct sea surface temperature satellite observations. Geosci. Model Dev. 13(3): 1609-1622., more
Huynh, H.-N.T.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Beckers, J.-M. (2020). Analysis of surface chlorophyll a associated with sea surface temperature and surface wind in the South China Sea. Ocean Dynamics 70(1): 139-161., more
Ivanov, E.; Capet, A.; Barth, A.; Delhez, E.J.M.; Soetaert, K.; Grégoire, M. (2020). Hydrodynamic variability in the Southern Bight of the North Sea in response to typical atmospheric and tidal regimes. Benefit of using a high resolution model. Ocean Modelling 154: 101682., more
Watelet, S.; Skagseth, Ø.; Lien, V.S.; Sagen, H.; Ostensen, O.; Ivshin, V.; Beckers, J.-M. (2020). A volumetric census of the Barents Sea in a changing climate. ESSD 12(4): 2447-2457., more
Davidson, F.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Brassington, G.B.; Chassignet, E.P.; Clementi, E.; De Mey-Frémaux, P.; Divakaran, P.; Harris, C.; Hernandez, F.; Hogan, P.; Hole, L.R.; Holt, J.; Liu, G.; Lu, Y.; Lorente, P.; Maksymczuk, J.; Martin, M.; Mehra, A.; Melsom, A.; Mo, H.; Moore, A.; Oddo, P.; Pascual, A.; Pequignet, A.-C.; Kourafalou, V.; Ryan, A.; Siddorn, J.; Smith, G.; Spindler, D.; Spindler, T.; Stanev, E.V.; Staneva, J.; Storto, A.; Tanajura, C.; Vinayachandran, P.N.; Wan, L.; Wang, H.; Zhang, Y.; Zhu, X.; Zu, Z. (2019). Synergies in operational oceanography: the intrinsic need for sustained ocean observations. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 450., more
De Mey-Frémaux, P.; Ayoub, N.; Barth, A.; Brewin, R.; Charria, G.; Campuzano, F.; Ciavatta, S.; Cirano, M.; Edwards, C.A.; Federico, I.; Gao, S.; Hermosa, I.G.; Sotillo, M.G.; Hewitt, H.; Hole, L.R.; Holt, J.; King, R.; Kourafalou, V.; Lu, Y.; Mourre, B.; Pascual, A.; Staneva, J.; Stanev, E.V.; Wang, H.; Zhu, X. (2019). Model-observations synergy in the coastal ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 436., more
Gommenginger, C.; Chapron, B.; Hogg, A.; Buckingham, C.; Fox-Kemper, B.; Eriksson, L.; Soulat, F.; Ubelmann, C.; Ocampo-Torres, F.; Nardelli, B.B.; Griffin, D.; Lopez-Dekker, P.; Knudsen, P.; Andersen, O.; Stenseng, L.; Stapleton, N.; Perrie, W.; Violante-Carvalho, N.; Schulz-Stellenfleth, J.; Woolf, D.; Isern-Fontanet, J.; Ardhuin, F.; Klein, P.; Mouche, A.; Pascual, A.; Capet, X.; Hauser, D.; Stoffelen, A.; Morrow, R.; Aouf, L.; Breivik, Ø.; Fu, L.-L.; Johannessen, J.A.; Aksenov, Y.; Bricheno, L.; Hirschi, J.; Martin, A.C.H.; Martin, A.P.; Nurser, G.; Polton, J.; Wolf, J.; Johnsens, H.; Soloviev, A.; Jacobs, G.A.; Collard, F.; Groom, S.; Kudryavtsev, V.; Wilkin, J.; Navarro, V.; Babanin, A.; Martin, M.; Siddorn, J.; Saulter, A.; Rippeth, T.; Emery, B.; Maximenko, N.; Romeiser, R.; Graber, H.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Hughes, C.W.; Vandemark, D.; da Silva, J.; Van Leeuwen, P.J.; Naveira Garabato, A.C.; Gemmrich, J.; Mahadevan, A.; Marquez, J.; Munro, Y.; Doody, S.; Burbidge, G. (2019). SEASTAR: a mission to study ocean submesoscale dynamics and small-scale atmosphere-ocean processes in coastal, shelf and polar seas. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 457., more
Minnett, P.J.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Chin, T.M.; Corlett, G.K.; Gentemann, C.L.; Karagali, I.; Li, X.; Marsouin, A.; Marullo, S.; Maturi, E.; Santoleri, R.; Saux Picart, S.; Steele, M.; Vazquez-Cuervo, J. (2019). Half a century of satellite remote sensing of sea-surface temperature. Remote Sens. Environ. 233: 111366., more
Storto, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Balmaseda, M.A.; Barth, A.; Chevallier, M.; Counillon, F.; Domingues, C.M.; Drevillon, M.; Drillet, Y.; Forget, G.; Garric, G.; Haines, K.; Hernandez, F.; Iovino, D.; Jackson, L.C.; Lellouche, J.-M.; Masina, S.; Mayer, M.; Oke, P.R.; Penny, S.G.; Peterson, K.A.; Yang, C.; Zuo, H. (2019). Ocean reanalyses: recent advances and unsolved challenges. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 418., more
Troupin, C.; Pascual, A.; Ruiz, S.; Olita, A.; Casas, B.; Margirier, F.; Poulain, P.M.; Notarstefano, G.; Torner, M.; Fernández, J.G.; Rújula, M.A.; Muñoz, C.; Alou, E.; Ruiz, I.; Tovar-Sanchez, A.; Allen, J.T.; Mahadevan, A.; Tintoré, J. (2019). The AlborEX dataset: sampling of sub-mesoscale features in the Alboran Sea. ESSD 11(1): 129-145., more
Vandenbulcke, L.; Barth, A. (2019). Upscaling of a local model into a larger-scale model. Ocean Sci. 15(2): 291-305., more
Watelet, S.; Beckers, J.-M.; Barth, A. (2019). Reply to "Comments on 'Reconstruction of the Gulf stream from 1940 to the present and correlation with the North Atlantic Oscillation'". J. Phys. Oceanogr. 49(10): 2735-2737., more
Barth, A.; Mahadevan, A.; Pascual, A.; Ruiz, S.; Troupin, C. (2018). The 48th Liege colloquium: submesoscale processes: mechanisms, implications, and new frontiers. Ocean Dynamics 68(8): 1067-1069., more
Barth, A.; Troupin, C.; Watelet, S.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Beckers, J.M. (2018). Generating ocean climatologies from in situ observations, in: Giorgetti, A. et al. (Ed.) IMDIS 2018: International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 5-7 November, 2018 - Barcelona, Spain: Book of Abstracts. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 59: pp. 268-269, more
Buurman, M.; Thijssen, P.; Vathsavayi, S.H.; Mieruch, S.; Leblan, G.; Santinelli, G.; Barth, A. (2018). The SeaDataCloud Virtual Research Environment: researching the sea from the cloud, in: Giorgetti, A. et al. (Ed.) IMDIS 2018: International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 5-7 November, 2018 - Barcelona, Spain: Book of Abstracts. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 59: pp. 38-39, more
Buurman, M.; Vathsavayi, S.H.; Thijssen, P.; Barth, A.; Mieruch, S.; Evangelou, N.; Rorro, M.; Coveney, A. (2018). The SeaDataCloud Virtual Research Environment: the technical perspective, in: Giorgetti, A. et al. (Ed.) IMDIS 2018: International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 5-7 November, 2018 - Barcelona, Spain: Book of Abstracts. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 59: pp. 121-123, more
Gade, M.; Karimova, S.; Buck, A. (2018). Statistical analysis of eddies in the western Mediterranean based on multiple SAR imagery, in: 38th IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS, 38: pp. 1481-1484., more
Iona, A.; Theodorou, A.; Sofianos, S.; Watelet, S.; Troupin, C.; Beckers, J.-M. (2018). Mediterranean Sea climatic indices: monitoring long-term variability and climate changes. ESSD 10(4): 1829-1842., more
Iona, A.; Theodorou, A.; Watelet, S.; Troupin, C.; Beckers, J.-M.; Simoncelli, S. (2018). Mediterranean Sea Hydrographic Atlas: towards optimal data analysis by including time-dependent statistical parameters. ESSD 10(3): 1281-1300., more
Olmedo, E.; Taupier-Letage, I.; Turiel, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A. (2018). Improving SMOS sea surface salinity in the western Mediterranean sea through multivariate and multifractal analysis. Remote Sens. 10(3): 485., more
Sabia, R.; Olmedo, E.; Turiel, A.; Martinez, J.; Alvera-Azcárate, A. (2018). SMOS satellite inference of alkalinity over Mediterranean basin, in: 38th IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS, 38: pp. 1519-1522., more
Troupin, C.; Muñoz, C.; Fernández, J.G.; Rújula, M.A. (2018). Scientific results traceability: software citation using GitHub & Zenodo, in: Giorgetti, A. et al. (Ed.) IMDIS 2018: International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 5-7 November, 2018 - Barcelona, Spain: Book of Abstracts. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 59: pp. 167-169, more
Vetra-Carvalho, S.; Van Leeuwen, P.J.; Nerger, L.; Barth, A.; Altaf, M.U.; Brasseur, P.; Kirchgessner, P.; Beckers, J.-M. (2018). State-of-the-art stochastic data assimilation methods for high-dimensional non-Gaussian problems. Tellus, Ser. A, Dyn. meteorol. oceanogr. 70(1): 1-43., more
Barth, A.; Yan, Y.; Nerger, L.; Beckers, J.-M. (2017). The 47th Liege Colloquium: marine environmental monitoring, modelling and prediction. Ocean Dynamics 67(10): 1367-1368., more
Canter, M.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M. (2017). Correcting circulation biases in a lower-resolution global general circulation model with data assimilation. Ocean Dynamics 67(2): 281-298., more
Karimova, S. (2017). Obsering surface circulation of the western Mediterranean basin with satellite imagery. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-3/W2: 97-104., more
Karimova, S. (2017). Performance of gridded and along-track altimetry products in eddy manifestation in the western Mediterranean, in: 2017 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium: Proceedings. pp. 2991-2994, more
Parard, G.; Rutgersson, A.; Parampil, S.R.; Charantonis, A.A. (2017). The potential of using remote sensing data to estimate air-sea CO2 exchange in the Baltic Sea. Earth System Dynamics 8(4): 1093-1106., more
Vandenbulcke, L.; Beckers, J.-M.; Barth, A. (2017). Correction of inertial oscillations by assimilation of HF radar data in a model of the Ligurian Sea. Ocean Dynamics 67(1): 117-135., more
Watelet, S.; Beckers, J.-M.; Barth, A. (2017). Reconstruction of the Gulf Stream from 1940 to the present and correlation with the North Atlantic Oscillation. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 47(11): 2741-2754., more
Yan, Y.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Brankart, J.M.; Brasseur, P.; Candille, G. (2017). Comparison of different incremental analysis update schemes in a realistic assimilation system with Ensemble Kalman Filter. Ocean Modelling 115: 27-41., more
Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Parard, G.; Beckers, J.-M. (2016). Analysis of SMOS sea surface salinity data using DINEOF. Remote Sens. Environ. 180: 137-145., more
Barth, A.; Yan, Y.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Beckers, J.-M. (2016). Local ensemble assimilation scheme with global constraints and conservation. Ocean Dynamics 66(12): 1651-1664., more
Barth, A.; Watelet, S.; Troupin, C.; Alvera, A.; Santinelli, G.; Hendriksen, G.; Giorgetti, A.; Beckers, J.M. (2016). OceanBrowser: on-line visualization of gridded ocean data and in situ observations, in: IMDIS 2016 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems, 11-13 October 2016, Gdansk, Poland. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 57(Suppl.): pp. 39-40, more
Capet, A.; Stanev, E.; Beckers, J.-M.; Murray, J.; Grégoire, M. (2016). Decline of the Black Sea oxygen inventory. Biogeosciences 13(4): 1287-1297., more
Huynh, H.-N.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M. (2016). Reconstruction and analysis of long-term satellite-derived sea surface temperature for the South China Sea. J. Oceanogr. 72(5): 707-726., more
Karimova, S.; Gade, M. (2016). Eddies in the Western Mediterranean seen by spaceborne radar, in: IGARSS 2016 - 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS, : pp. 3997-4000., more
Santinelli, G.; Hendriksen, G.; Barth, A. (2016). Analysis of ocean in situ observations and marine data products: Web-visualization and services for EMODnet chemistry, in: IMDIS 2016 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems, 11-13 October 2016, Gdansk, Poland. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 57(Suppl.): pp. 203-205, more
Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Vanhellemont, Q.; Ruddick, K.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M. (2015). Analysis of high frequency geostationary ocean colour data using DINEOF. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 159: 28-36., more
Barth, A.; Canter, M.; Van Schaeybroeck, B.; Vannitsem, S.; Massonnet, F.; Zunz, V.; Mathiot, P.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Beckers, J.-M. (2015). Assimilation of sea surface temperature, sea ice concentration and sea ice drift in a model of the Southern Ocean. Ocean Modelling 93: 22-39., more
Bulycheva, E.V.; Krek, A.V.; Kostianoy, A.G.; Semenov, A.V.; Joksimovich, A. (2015). Oil pollution of the southeastern Baltic Sea by satellite remote sensing data and in-situ measurements. Transport and Telecommunication Journal 16(4): 296-304., more
Kourafalou, V.; De Mey, P.; Staneva, J.; Ayoub, N.; Barth, A.; Chao, Y.; Cirano, M.; Fiechter, J.; Herzfeld, M.; Kurapov, A.; Moore, A.; Oddo, P.; Pullen, J.; van der Westhuysen, A.; Weisberg, R. (2015). Coastal Ocean Forecasting: science foundation and user benefits. J. Oper. Oceangr. 8(Supplement 1): S147-S167., more
Vandenbulcke, L.; Barth, A. (2015). A stochastic operational forecasting system of the Black Sea: technique and validation. Ocean Modelling 93: 7-21., more
Yan, Y.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.M.; Candille, G.; Brankart, J.; Brasseur, P. (2015). Ensemble assimilation of ARGO temperature profile, sea surface temperature, and altimetric satellite data into an eddy permitting primitive equation model of the North Atlantic Ocean. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans. 120(7): 5134-5157., more
Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Ruddick, K.; Minnett, P (2014). Preface to Liège colloquium special issue. Remote sensing of ocean colour, temperature and salinity - New challenges and opportunities. Remote Sens. Environ. 146: 1-2., more
Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Troupin, C.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Vandenbulcke, L. (2014). divand-1.0: n-dimensional variational data analysis for ocean observations. Geosci. Model Dev. 7(1): 225-241., more
Beckers, J.-M.; Barth, A.; Tomazic, I.; Alvera-Azcárate, A. (2014). A method to generate fully multi-scale optimal interpolation by combining efficient single process analyses, illustrated by a DINEOF analysis spiced with a local optimal interpolation. Ocean Sci. 10(5): 845-862., more
Capet, A.; Troupin, C.; Carstensen, J.; Grégoire, M.; Beckers, J.-M. (2014). Untangling spatial and temporal trends in the variability of the Black Sea Cold Intermediate Layer and mixed Layer Depth using the DIVA detrending procedure. Ocean Dynamics 64(3): 315-324, more
Marmain, J; Molcard, A; Forget, P; Barth, A.; Ourmieres, Y (2014). Assimilation of HF radar surface currents to optimize forcing in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Nonlinear Process Geophys. 21(3): 659-675., more
Tomažic, I.; Le Borgne, P; Roquet, H (2014). Assessing the impact of brightness temperature simulation adjustment conditions in correcting Metop-A SST over the Mediterranean Sea. Remote Sens. Environ. 146: 214-233., more
Yan, Y.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M. (2014). Comparison of different assimilation schemes in a sequential Kalman filter assimilation system. Ocean Modelling 73: 123-137., more
Barth, A.; Troupin, C.; Alvera Azcárate, A.; Beckers, J.M. (2013). Variational data analysis for generating ocean climatologies (DIVA) and web-based distribution of data products (OceanBrowser), in: IMDIS 2013 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 23-25 September, 2013 - Lucca (Italy). Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 54(Supplement): pp. 206-207, more
Benavides, M.; Aristegui, J.; Agawin, N.S.R.; Alvarez-Salgado, X.A.; Alvarez, M.; Troupin, C. (2013). Low contribution of N2 fixation to new production and excess nitrogen in the subtropical northeast Atlantic margin. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 81: 36-48., more
Capet, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Grégoire, M. (2013). Drivers, mechanisms and long-term variability of seasonal hypoxia on the Black Sea northwestern shelf - is there any recovery after eutrophication? Biogeosciences 10(6): 3943-3962., more
Ganzedo, U.; Erdaide, O.; Trujillo-Santana, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Castro, J.J. (2013). Reconstruction of spatiotemporal capture data by means of orthogonal functions: the case of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the central-east Atlantic. Sci. Mar. (Barc.) 77(4): 575-584., more
Richir, J.; Luy, N.; Lepoint, G.; Rozet, E.; Alvera Azcarate, A.; Gobert, S. (2013). Experimental in situ exposure of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile to 15 trace elements. Aquat. Toxicol. 140-141: 157-173., more
Troupin, C.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Pascual, A. (2013). Application of the Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA) to sea-level anomaly measurements in the Mediterranean Sea, in: IMDIS 2013 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 23-25 September, 2013 - Lucca (Italy). Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 54(Supplement): pp. 263-264, more
Capet, A.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Grégoire, M. (2012). Interannual variability of Black Sea's hydrodynamics and connection to atmospheric patterns. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 77-80: 128-142., more
Mourre, B.; Chiggiato, J.; Lenartz, F.; Rixen, M. (2012). Uncertainty forecast from 3-D super-ensemble multi-model combination: validation and calibration. Ocean Dynamics 62(2): 283-294., more
Troupin, C.; Mason, E.; Beckers, J.-M.; Sangra, P. (2012). Generation of the Cape Ghir upwelling filament: a numerical study. Ocean Modelling 41: 1-15., more
Troupin, C.; Barth, A.; Sirjacobs, D.; Ouberdous, M.; Brankart, J.M.; Brasseur, P.; Rixen, M.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Belounis, M.; Capet, A.; Lenartz, F.; Toussaint, M.E.; Beckers, J.-M. (2012). Generation of analysis and consistent error fields using the Data Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA). Ocean Modelling 52-53: 90-101., more
Tyberghein, L.; Verbruggen, H.; Pauly, K.; Troupin, C.; De Clerck, O. (2012). Bio-ORACLE: a global environmental dataset for marine species distribution modelling. Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 21(2): 272-281., more
Alvera-Azcarate, A.; Barth, A.; Weisberg, R.H.; Castaneda, J.J.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Beckers, J.M. (2011). Thermocline characterisation in the Cariaco basin: A modelling study of the thermocline annual variation and its relation with winds and chlorophyll-a concentration. Cont. Shelf Res. 31(1): 73-84., more
Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Troupin, C.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M. (2011). Comparison between satellite and in situ sea surface temperature data in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Ocean Dynamics 61(6): 767-778., more
Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Sirjacobs, D.; Lenartz, F.; Beckers, J.-M. (2011). Data Interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Functions (DINEOF): a tool for geophysical data analyses. Mediterr. Mar. Sci. 12(3): 5-11., more
Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Poulain, P.M. (2011). Multiparametric observation and analysis of the sea. Ocean Dynamics 61(10): 1491-1493., more
Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Beckers, J.M.; Staneva, J.; Stanev, E.V.; Schulz-Stellenfleth, J. (2011). Correcting surface winds by assimilating high-frequency radar surface currents in the German Bight. Ocean Dynamics 61(5): 599-610., more
Ganzedo, U.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Esnaola, G.; Ezcurra, A.; Saenz, J. (2011). Reconstruction of sea surface temperature by means of DINEOF: a case study during the fishing season in the Bay of Biscay. Int. J. Remote Sens. 32(4): 933-950., more
Hofmeister, R.; Beckers, J.M.; Burchard, H. (2011). Realistic modelling of the exceptional inflows into the central Baltic Sea in 2003 using terrain-following coordinates. Ocean Modelling 39(3-4): 233-247., more
Mason, E.; Colas, F.; Molemaker, J.; Shchepetkin, A.F.; Troupin, C.; McWilliams, J.C.; Sangra, P. (2011). Seasonal variability of the Canary Current: A numerical study. J. Geophys. Res. 116: 1-20., more
Nechad, B.; Alvera-Azcaràte, A.; Ruddick, K.; Greenwood, N. (2011). Reconstruction of MODIS total suspended matter time series maps by DINEOF and validation with autonomous platform data. Ocean Dynamics 61(8): 1205-1214., more
Sirjacobs, D.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Lacroix, G.; Park, Y.; Nechad, B.; Ruddick, K.G.; Beckers, J.-M. (2011). Cloud filling of ocean colour and sea surface temperature remote sensing products over the Southern North Sea by the Data Interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Functions methodology. J. Sea Res. 65(1): 114-130., more
Hofmeister, R.; Burchard, H.; Beckers, J.-M. (2010). Non-uniform adaptive vertical grids for 3D numerical ocean models. Ocean Modelling 33(1-2): 70-86., more
Lenartz, F.; Beckers, J.-M.; Chiggiato, J.; Mourre, B.; Troupin, C.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Rixen, M. (2010). Super-ensemble techniques applied to wave forecast: performance and limitations. Ocean Sci. 6(2): 595-604., more
Lenartz, F.; Mourre, B.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Rixen, M. (2010). Enhanced ocean temperature forecast skills through 3-D super-ensemble multi-model fusion. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37(L19606)., more
Troupin, C.; Sangrà, P.; Aristegui, J. (2010). Seasonal variability of the oceanic upper layer and its modulation of biological cycles in the Canary Island region. J. Mar. Syst. 80(3-4): 172-183., more
Troupin, C.; Machín, F.; Ouberdous, M.; Sirjacobs, D.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M. (2010). High-resolution climatology of the northeast Atlantic using Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis (Diva). J. Geophys. Res. 115(C08005): 20 pp., more
Alvera-Azcarate, A.; Barth, A.; Weisberg, R.H. (2009). A nested model of the Cariaco Basin (Venezuela): description of the basin's interior hydrography and interactions with the open ocean. Ocean Dynamics 59(1): 97-120., more
Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Sirjacobs, D.; Beckers, J.M. (2009). Enhancing temporal correlations in EOF expansions for the reconstruction of missing data using DINEOF. Ocean Sci. 5(4): 475-485, more
Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Beckers, J.M.; Weisberg, R.H.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Lenartz, F.; Rixen, M. (2009). Dynamically constrained ensemble perturbations - application to tides on the West Florida Shelf. Ocean Sci. 5(3): 259-270, more
Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Troupin, C.; Ouberdous, M.; Beckers, J.-M. (2009). A web interface for griding arbitrarily distributed in situ data based on Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis (Diva). Geophys. Res. Abstr. 11(9321), more
Halliwell, G.R.; Barth, A.; Weisberg, R.H.; Hogan, P.; Smedstad, O.M.; Cummings, J. (2009). Impact of GODAE products on nested HYCOM simulations of the West Florida Shelf. Ocean Dynamics 59(1): 139-155., more
Plisnier, P-D.; Mgana, H.; Kimirei, I.; Chande, A.; Makasa, L.; Chimanga, J.; Zulu, F.; Cocquyt, C.; Horion, S.; Bergamino, N.; Naithani, J.; Deleersnijder, E.; André, L.; Descy, J.-P.; Cornet, Y. (2009). Limnological variability and pelagic fish abundance (Stolothrissa tanganicae and Lates stappersii) in Lake Tanganyika. Hydrobiologia 625(1): 117-134., more
Rixen, M.; Book, J.W.; Carta, A.; Grandi, V.; Gualdesi, L.; Stoner, R.; Ranelli, P.; Cavanna, A.; Zanasca, P.; Baldasserini, G.; Trangeled, A.; Lewis, C.; Trees, C.; Grasso, R.; Giannechini, S.; Fabiani, A.; Merani, D.; Berni, A.; Leonard, M.; Martin, P.; Rowley, C.; Hulbert, M.; Quaid, A.; Goode, W.; Preller, R.; Pinardi, N.; Oddo, P.; Guarnieri, A.; Chiggiato, J.; Carniel, S.; Russo, A.; Tudor, M.; Lenartz, F.; Vandenbulcke, L. (2009). Improved ocean prediction skill and reduced uncertainty in the coastal region from multi-model super-ensembles. J. Mar. Syst. 78: S282-S289., more
Skliris, N.; Beckers, J.M. (2009). Modelling the Gibraltar Strait/Western Alboran Sea ecohydrodynamics. Ocean Dynamics 59(3): 489-508., more
Troupin, C.; Lenartz, F.; Sirjacobs, D.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Ouberdous, M.; Beckers, J.-M. (2009). Evolution of Western Mediterranean Sea Surface Temperature between 1985 and 2005: a complementary study in situ, satellite and modelling approaches. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 11(2139-1), more
Vandenbulcke, L.; Beckers, J.M.; Lenartz, F.; Barth, A.; Poulain, P.M.; Aidonidis, M.; Meyrat, J.; Ardhuin, F.; Tonani, M.; Fratianni, C.; Torrisi, L.; Pallela, D.; Chiggiato, J.; Tudor, M.; Book, J.W.; Martin, P.; Peggion, G.; Rixen, M. (2009). Super-ensemble techniques: Application to surface drift prediction. Prog. Oceanogr. 82(3): 149-167., more
Weisberg, R.H.; Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcarate, A.; Zheng, L. (2009). A coordinated coastal ocean observing and modeling system for the West Florida Continental Shelf. Harmful Algae 8(4): 585-597., more
Vandenbulcke, L.; Rixen, M.; Beckers, J.M.; Alvera-Azcarate, A.; Barth, A. (2008). An analysis of the error space of a high-resolution implementation of the GHER hydrodynamic model in the Mediterranean Sea. Ocean Modelling 24(1-2): 46-64., more
Alvera-Azcarate, A.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Weisberg, R.H. (2007). Multivariate reconstruction of missing data in sea surface temperature, chlorophyll, and wind satellite fields. J. Geophys. Res. 112(C3)., more
Alvera-Azcarate, A.; Barth, A.; Ben Bouallegue, Z.; Rixen, M.; Beckers, J.-M. (2007). Forecast verification of a 3D model of the Mediterranean Sea. The use of discrete wavelet transforms and EOFs in the skill assessment of spatial forecasts. J. Mar. Syst. 65(1-4): 460-483., more
Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Rixen, M.; Vandenbulcke, L. (2007). Multigrid state vector for data assimilation in a two-way nested model of the Ligurian Sea. J. Mar. Syst. 65(1-4): 41-59., more
Desaubies, Y.; Rixen, M.; Beckers, J.-M. (2007). Preface: 36th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics - Liege, Belgium, 3-7 May, 2004 - Marine environmental monitoring and prediction. J. Mar. Syst. 65(1-4): 1-2., more
Raick, C.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Brankart, J.M.; Soetaert, K.; Grégoire, M. (2007). Application of a SEEK filter to a 1D biogeochemical model of the Ligurian Sea: Twin experiments and real in-situ data assimilation. J. Mar. Syst. 65(1-4): 561-583., more
Tigny, V.; Ozer, A.; De Falco, G.; Baroli, M.; Djenidi, S. (2007). Relationship between the evolution of the shoreline and the Posidonia oceanica meadow limit in a Sardinian coastal zone. J. Coast. Res. 23(3): 787-793., more
Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcarate, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Rixen, M. (2006). Coupling a two-way nested primitive equation model and a statistical SST predictor of the Ligurian Sea via data assimilation. Ocean Modelling 13(3-4): 255-270., more
Skliris, N.; Djenidi, S. (2006). Plankton dynamics controlled by hydrodynamic processes near a submarine canyon off NW corsican coast: A numerical modelling study. Cont. Shelf Res. 26(11): 1336-1358., more
White, L.; Beckers, J.M.; Deleersnijder, E.; Legat, V. (2006). Comparison of free-surface and rigid-lid finite element models of barotropic instabilities. Ocean Dynamics 56(2): 86-103., more
Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Rixen, M.; Beckers, J.-M. (2005). Reconstruction of incomplete oceanographic data sets using empirical orthogonal functions: application to the Adriatic Sea surface temperature. Ocean Modelling 9(4): 325-346., more
Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Rixen, M.; Beckers, J.M. (2005). Two-way nested model of mesoscale circulation features in the Ligurian Sea. Prog. Oceanogr. 66(2-4): 171-189., more
Burchard, H.; Beckers, J.M. (2004). Non-uniform adaptive vertical grids in one-dimensional numerical ocean models. Ocean Modelling 6(1): 51-81., more
Sirjacobs, D.; Grégoire, M.; Delhez, E.; Nihoul, J.C.J. (2004). Influence of the Aral Sea negative water balance on its seasonal circulation patterns: use of a 3D hydrodynamic model. J. Mar. Syst. 47(1-4): 51-66., more
Skliris, N.; Lacroix, G.; Djenidi, S. (2004). Effects of extreme meteorological conditions on coastal dynamics near a submarine canyon. Cont. Shelf Res. 24(9): 1033-1045., more
Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Ferreira, J.G.; Nunes, J.P. (2003). Modelling eutrophication in mesotidal and macrotidal estuaries. The role of intertidal seaweeds. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 57(4): 715-724., more
Delhez, E.J.M.; Deleersnijder, E.; Mouchet, A.; Beckers, J.-M. (2003). A note on the age of radioactive tracers. J. Mar. Syst. 38(3-4): 277-286., more
Grégoire, M.; Brasseur, P.; Lermusiaux, P.F.J. (2003). Preface. 33rd International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics: Liège, Belgium, May 7–11, 2001. J. Mar. Syst. 40-41: 1-3., more
Beckers, J.-M.; Rixen, M.; Brasseur, P.; Brankart, J.-M.; Elmoussaoui, A.; Crepon, M.; Herbaut, C.; Martel, F.; Van den Berghe, F.; Mortier, L.; Lascaratos, A.; Drakopoulos, P.; Korres, G.; Nittis, K.; Pinardi, N.; Masetti, E.; Castellar, S.; Carini, P.; Tintore, J.; Alvarez, A.; Monserrat, S.; Parrilla, D.; Vautard, R.; Speich, S. (2002). Model intercomparison in the Mediterranean: MEDMEX simulations of the seasonal cycle. J. Mar. Syst. 33: 215-251., more
Beckers, J.-M.; Grégoire, M.; Nihoul, J.C.J.; Stanev, E.; Staneva, J.; Lancelot, C. (2002). Modelling the Danube-influenced North-western continental shelf of the Black Sea. I: Hydrodynamical processes simulated by 3-D and box models. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 54(3): 453-472., more
Karafistan, A.; Martin, J.-M.; Rixen, M.; Beckers, J.M. (2002). Space and time distributions of phosphate in the Mediterranean Sea. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 49(1): 67-82., more
Lacroix, G.; Grégoire, M. (2002). Revisited ecosystem model (MODECOGeL) of the Ligurian Sea: seasonal and interannual variability due to atmospheric forcing. J. Mar. Syst. 37(4): 229-258., more
Lancelot, C.; Staneva, J.; Van Eeckhout, D.; Beckers, J.-M.; Stanev, E. (2002). Modelling the Danube-influenced north-western continental shelf of the Black Sea. II: Ecosystem response to changes in nutrient delivery by the Danube River after its damming in 1972. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 54(3): 473-499., more
Mathieu, P.-P.; Deleersnijder, E.; Cushman-Roisin, B.; Beckers, J.-M.; Bolding, K. (2002). The role of topography in small well-mixed bays, with application to the lagoon of Mururoa. Cont. Shelf Res. 22(9): 1379-1395., more
Rixen, M.; Beckers, J.-M. (2002). A synopticity test of a sampling pattern in the Alboran Sea. J. Mar. Syst. 35(1-2): 111-130., more
Skliris, N.; Hecq, J.H.; Djendi, S. (2002). Water fluxes at an ocean margin in the presence of a submarine canyon. J. Mar. Syst. 32(1-3): 239-251., more
Stanev, E.V.; Beckers, J.-M.; Lancelot, C.; Staneva, J.V.; Le Traon, P.Y.; Peneva, E.L.; Grégoire, M. (2002). Coastal-open ocean exchange in the Black Sea: observations and modelling. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 54(3): 601-620., more
Elbaz-Poulichet, F.; Braungardt, C.; Achterberg, E.; Morley, N.; Cossa, D.; Beckers, J.-M.; Nomerange, P.; Cruzado, A.; Leblanc, M. (2001). Metal biogeochemistry in the Tinto-Odiel rivers (Southern Spain) and in the Gulf of Cadiz: a synthesis of the results of TOROS project. Cont. Shelf Res. 21(18-19): 1961-1973., more
Elbaz-Poulichet, F.; Morley, N.H.; Beckers, J.-M.; Nomerange, P. (2001). Metal fluxes through the Strait of Gibraltar: the influence of the Tinto and Odiel rivers (SW Spain). Mar. Chem. 73(3-4): 193-213., more
Grégoire, M.; Lacroix, G. (2001). Study of the oxygen budget of the Black Sea waters using a 3D coupled hydrodynamical-biogeochemical model. J. Mar. Syst. 31(1-3): 175-202., more
López, S.T.; Varela, G.; Delhez, E. (2001). Residual circulation and thermohaline distribution of the Ría de Vigo: a 3-D hydrodynamical model. Sci. Mar. (Barc.) 65(Suppl. 1): 277-289, more
Rixen, M.; Allen, J.T.; Beckers, J.-M. (2001). Non-syntopic versus pseudo-syntopic data sets: an assimilation experiment. J. Mar. Syst. 29(1-4): 313-333., more
Skliris, N.; Goffart, A.; Hecq, J.H.; Djenidi, S. (2001). Shelf-slope exchanges associated with a steep submarine canyon off Calvi (Corsica, NW Mediterranean Sea): A modeling approach. J. Geophys. Res. 106(C9): 19883-19901., more
Delhez, E.J.M.; Grégoire, M.; Nihoul, J.C.J.; Beckers, J.-M. (1999). Dissection of the GHER turbulence closure scheme. J. Mar. Syst. 21(1-4): 379-397., more
Delhez, E.J.M. (1998). Macroscale ecohydrodynamic modeling on the Northwest European Continental Shelf. J. Mar. Syst. 16(1-2): 171-190., more
Grégoire, M.; Beckers, J.-M.; Nihoul, J.C.J.; Stanev, E. (1998). Reconnaissance of the main Black Sea's ecohydrodynamics by means of a 3D interdisciplinary model. J. Mar. Syst. 16(1-2): 85-105., more
Lacroix, G.; Nival, P. (1998). Influence of meteorological variability on primary production dynamics in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea) with a 1D hydrodynamic/biological model. J. Mar. Syst. 16(1-2): 23-50., more
Nihoul, J.C.J. (1998). Optimum complexity in ecohydrodynamic modelling: an ecosystem dynamics standpoint. J. Mar. Syst. 16(1-2): 3-5., more
Beckers, J.-M.; Nihoul, J.C.J. (1992). Model of the Algerian Current's instability. J. Mar. Syst. 3(4-5): 441-451., more
Deleersnijder, E.; Beckers, J.-M. (1992). On the use of the sigma-coordinate system in regions of large bathymetric variations. J. Mar. Syst. 3(4-5): 381-390., more
Delhez, E.; Martin, G. (1992). Preliminary results of 3-D baroclinic numerical models of the mesoscale and macroscale circulations on the North-Western European Continental Shelf. J. Mar. Syst. 3(4-5): 423-440., more
Martin, F.; Michot, P.; Vanguestaine, M. (1970). Le flysch caradocien d'Ombret. Ann. Soc. géol. Belg. (1968) 93: 337-362, more
- Hamdeno, M.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Krokos, G.; Hoteit, I. (2024). Marine heatwaves in the Red Sea: a study of their spatial characteristics, trends and relationships to climate modes, in: EGU General Assembly 2024. Vienna, Austria & Online, 14-19 April 2024. pp. EGU24-13423., more
- Lopez Contreras, J.M.; Barth, A. (2024). Coastal currents from observations, an integrated multi-source approach to analyse surface currents, in: EGU General Assembly 2024. Vienna, Austria & Online, 14-19 April 2024. pp. EGU24-7890., more
- Mohamed, B.; Barth, A.; Van der Zande, D.; Alvera-Azcaràte, A. (2024). Variability and response of surface chlorophyll to the marine heatwave in the southern North sea, in: 43rd CIESM Congress proceedings, Palermo, Italy 14-18 October 2024. Rapport de la Commission International de la Mer Méditerranée, 43: pp. 20, more
- Mohamed, B.; Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A. (2024). The summer marine heatwaves in the North Sea in 2023, in: EGU General Assembly 2024. Vienna, Austria & Online, 14-19 April 2024. pp. EGU24-8900., more
- Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Dille, A.; Van der Zande, D. (2023). Generation of high spatial resolution gap-free ocean colour satellite products in the northern Adriatic Sea and the Belgian coastal zone, in: 54th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics: machine learning and data analysis in oceanography. pp. 1, more
- Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Troupin, C.; Licer, M.; Beckers, J.-M. (2023). Reconstruction of missing data in satellite images with a Data-Interpolating Convolutional Auto-Encoder, in: 54th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics: machine learning and data analysis in oceanography. pp. 1, more
- Chiusano, M.L.; Schlitzer, R.; Simoncelli, S.; Troupin, C.; Langella, G.; Terrible, F.; Pascal, N.; Boichu, M.; Grandin, R.; Racapé, V.; Schmechtig, C.; Sauzède, R.; Sizun, A.; Giorgetti, A.; Reyes, C.; Cox, C.J.; Exter, K.; Portier, M.; Ninidakis, S.; Santi, I.; Bosso, L.; Ambrosino, L.; Miralto, M. (2023). FAIR-EASE D5.1: Report on key requirement from use cases and pilots. UNINA: Naples. 91 pp., more
- Portier, M.; Troupin, C.; Weber, C.; Sarramia, D.; Smyth, D.; Bodéré, E.; Leclercq, F.; Moncoiffe, G.; Santi, I.; Goley, J.; Exter, K.; Thijsse, P.; Schlitzer, R.; Krijger, T.; Breton, V.; Simoncelli, S. (2023). FAIR-EASE D4.1: Landscaping exercise: the (meta)data, software, and cloud needs for the data lake. VLIZ: Ostend. 27 pp., more
- Cabrera, P.; Schepers, L.; Pint, S.; Everaert, G.; Remanan, R.P.; Barth, A.; Drago, F. (2021). Developing zoo & phytoplankton EOV products in Blue-Cloud. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Ostend. 5 pp., more
- Ivanov, E.; Capet, A.; Barth, A.; Delhez, E.J.M.; Soetaert, K.; Gregoire, M. (2020). Assessment and optimization of the impact of the future Belgian offshore wind farms on the bottom fauna using numerical modelling, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Oostende, Belgium, 18 March 2020. VLIZ Special Publication, 84: pp. 59, more
- Ivanov, E.; Capet, A.; Barth, A.; Delhez, E.; Soetaert, S.; Grégoire, M. (2019). Impact assessment of offshore dredging activities and wind farms on sediment dynamics using a coupled ocean-wave-sediment transport model, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 18, more
- Ivanov, E.; Capet, A.; Barth, A.; Delhez, E.; Soetaert, K.; Grégoire, M. (2018). Application of two way nesting model to upscale sediment processes of the Southern Bight of the North Sea: full model validation, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 94, more
- Lagring, R.; De Witte, B.; Bekaert, K.; Borges, A.V.; Desmit, X.; Le, H.M.; Nohe, A.; Sabbe, K.; Strobbe, F.; Tyberghein, L.; Vandenberghe, T.; Van der Zande, D. (2018). 4 Decades of Belgian Marine Monitoring: uplifting historical data to today’s needs - Final Report. Belgian Science Policy Office/BRAIN-be (Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks): Brussels. 104 pp., more
- Barth, A.; Watelet, S.; Troupin, C.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Beckers, J.M. (2017). Analysis of ocean in situ observations and Web-based visualization: From individual measurements to an integrated view, in: Diviacco, P. et al. Oceanographic and marine cross-domain data management for sustainable development. pp. 345-371., more
- Ivanov, E.; Capet, A.; Barth, A.; Delhez, E.; Soetaert, K.; Grégoire, M. (2017). Three-dimensional modelling of the Southern Bight of the North Sea: first results and perspectives. Poster presented at the VLIZ Marine Science Day 3 March 2017. University of Liege: Liege. 1 poster pp., more
- De Borger, E.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Braeckman, U.; Grégoire, M.; Soetaert, K. (2016). Upscaling small-scale environmental studies of the Southern Bight of the North Sea by biogeochemical modelling, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 95, more
- Tyberghein, L.; Claus, S.; Herman, P.M.; Beauchard, O.; Beckers, J.-M.; Hernandez, F. (2016). EMODnet gridded abundance products: a tool to facilitate ecosystem assessments, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 109, more
- Claus, S.; Tyberghein, L.; Herman, P.; Beauchard, O.; Beckers, J.M.; Hernandez, F. (2015). EMODnet regional gridded abundance products: a tool to facilitate ecosystem assessments, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 32, more
- Capet, A.; Grégoire, M.; Beckers, J.-M.; Meysman, F.; Soetaert, K. (2013). Introducing dynamic benthic fluxes in 3D biogeochemical model: an application on the Black Sea North-Western shelf, in: The 45th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. The variability of primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale, Liège, Belgium, 13-17 May, 2013: Abstracts. pp. [1], more
- Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Neukermans, G.; Barth, A.; Ruddick, K.; Beckers, J.-M. (2012). Reconstruction of Total Suspended Matter data over the North Sea using DINEOF: use of the Gaussian anamorphosis transformation, in: 44th international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Remote sensing of colour, temperature and salinity – new challenges and opportunities" - May 7-11, 2012. pp. 1, more
- Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Troupin, C.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M. (2012). An EOF-based technique to compute merged high resolution sea surface temperature fields, in: 44th international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Remote sensing of colour, temperature and salinity – new challenges and opportunities" - May 7-11, 2012. pp. 1, more
- Capet, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Grégoire, M. (2012). Optical properties of Black Sea case 2 waters, in: 44th international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Remote sensing of colour, temperature and salinity – new challenges and opportunities" - May 7-11, 2012. pp. 1, more
- Huynh, H.-N.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.M. (2012). Reconstruction of the long-term satellite-derived sea surface temperature including error maps in the South China Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts - VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 24 February 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 55: pp. 40, more
- Huynh, H.-N.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.M. (2012). Reconstruction of the long-term satellite-derived sea surface temperature in the South China Sea. Poster presentation. University of Liège. Geohydrodynamics and Environment Research: Liège. 1 poster pp., more
- Kubryakov, A.; Stanichny, S.; Stanichnaya, R.; Djenidi, S. (2012). Manifestation of the mesoscale phenomena in surface roughness, altimetry, optical and thermal properties of the upper layer, in: 44th international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Remote sensing of colour, temperature and salinity – new challenges and opportunities" - May 7-11, 2012. pp. 1, more
- Troupin, C.; Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Sirjacobs, D.; Beckers, J.M. (2012). Viewing through the clouds in satellite images. University of Liège. Geohydrodynamics and Environment Research: Liège. 1 poster pp., more
- Troupin, C.; Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Sirjacobs, D.; Beckers, J.M. (2012). Viewing through the clouds in satellite images, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts - VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 24 February 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 55: pp. 85, more
- Tyberghein, L.; Verbruggen, H.; Pauly, K.; Troupin, C.; Mineur, F.; De Clerck, O. (2012). Bio-ORACLE: a global environmental dataset for marine species distribution modeling, in: Tyberghein, L. Evolution, diversity and niche dynamics of seaweeds. pp. 14-43, more
- Capet, A.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Borges, A.V.; Joassin, P.; Meysman, F.; Soetaert, K.; Grégoire, M. (2011). Multidecadal evolution of Black Sea hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1, more
- Tyberghein, L.; Verbruggen, H.; Pauly, K.; Troupin, C.; De Clerck, O. (2011). Bio-ORACLE: a global environmental dataset for marine species distribution modelling, in: Pauly, K. GIS-based environmental analysis, remote sensing and niche modeling of seaweed communities. pp. 97-124, more
- (2009). 41st International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics: Science-Based Management of the Coastal Waters, 4-8 May 2009. University of Liège. Geohydrodynamics and Environment Research: Liège. 1 cd-rom pp., more
- Ruddick, K.; Nechad, B.; Park, Y.; Doxaran, D.; Sirjacobs, D.; Beckers, J.-M. (2008). Remote sensing of suspended particulate matter in turbid waters: state of the art and future perspectives, in: Proceedings Ocean Optics XIX, 6-10 October 2008, Barga. pp. 12, more
- Sirjacobs, D.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Lacroix, G.; Nechad, B.; Park, Y.; Ruddick, K.; Beckers, J.-M. (2008). Reconstruction of missing satellite total suspended matter data over the Southern North Sea and English Channel using empirical orthogonal function decomposition of satellite imagery and hydrodynamical modelling, in: Proceedings Ocean Optics XIX, 6-10 October 2008, Barga. pp. 9, more
- Sirjacobs, D.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Park, Y.; Nechad, B.; Ruddick, K.; Beckers, J.-M. (2008). Cloud filling of total suspended matter, cholorphyll and sea surface temperature remote sensing products by the Data Interpolation with Empirical Orthogonal Functions methodology, application to the BELCOLOUR-1 database, in: Proceedings of the 2nd MERIS/(A)ATSR User Workshop, 22–26 September 2008, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy. ESA Special Publications, 666: pp. 6, more
- Lenartz, F.; Gobert, S.; Goffart, A.; Grégoire, M.; Hecq, J.H.; Lepoint, G.; Raick, C.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Beckers, J.-M. (2007). 1-D model of the marine ecosystem of the Calvi Bay. University of Liège. Geohydrodynamics and Environment Research: Liège. 1 poster pp., more
- Nihoul, J.C.J.; Djenidi, S. (1998). Coupled physical, chemical and biological models. Belgian GLOBEC Contribution Report, 6. Royal Academy of Belgium. National Committee of Oceanology: Brussels. 30 pp., more
- Beckers, J.M.; Djenidi, S.; Nihoul, J.C.J. (1992). Modelling the western Mediterranean: from hydrology to hydronamics, in: Martin, J.M. et al. (Ed.) EROS 2000 (European River Ocean System) third workshop of the north-west Mediterranean Sea. Water Pollution Research Reports, 28: pp. 19-37, more
- Brasseur, P. (1992). Initialization of 3D models of the western Mediterranean and of the Gulf of Lions: application of a variational method to the reconstruction of data fields, in: Martin, J.M. et al. (Ed.) EROS 2000 (European River Ocean System) third workshop of the north-west Mediterranean Sea. Water Pollution Research Reports, 28: pp. 39-50, more
- Lacroix, G.; Djenidi, S. (1992). Extending the GHER 3D model to the modelling of ecosystems in western Mediterranean coastoal zones: results from an exploratory study, in: Martin, J.M. et al. (Ed.) EROS 2000 (European River Ocean System) third workshop of the north-west Mediterranean Sea. Water Pollution Research Reports, 28: pp. 89-104, more
- Nihoul, J.C.J.; Beckers, J.M.; Brasseur, P.; Deleersnijder, E.; Djenidi, S.; Lagasse, B.; Robe, F.; Smitz, J. (1990). Marine hydronamical and biogeochemical model: general 3D circulation model of the western Mediterranean Sea, in: Martin, J.-M. et al. EROS 2000 (European River Ocean System) second workshop of the north-west Mediterranean Sea. Water Pollution Research Reports, 20: pp. 25-37, more
- Deleersnijder, E.; Nihoul, J.C.J. (1988). Turbulent fields associated with the general circulation in the Northern Bering Sea, in: Nihoul, J.C.J. et al. (Ed.) Small-scale turbulence and mixing in the ocean: proceedings of the 19th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 46: pp. 77-93., more
- Nihoul, J.C.J. (1988). Introduction to 3D modelling of the western Mediterranean: comparative appraisement of the forcing mechanisms of the general circulation, in: Actes du colloque: recherches oceanographiques en mer Mediterranee (biologie, chimie, géologie, physique). pp. 247-255, more
- Nihoul, J.C.J.; Djenidi, S. (1987). Perspective in three-dimensional modelling of the marine system, in: Nihoul, J.C.J. et al. (Ed.) Three-dimensional models of marine and estuarine dynamics: proceedings of the 18th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 45: pp. 1-33., more
- Nihoul, J.C.J. (1986). Aspects of the Northern Bering Sea ecohydrodynamics, in: Nihoul, J.C.J. (Ed.) Marine interfaces ecohydrodynamics: proceedings of the 17th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 42: pp. 385-399., more
- Salas de Leon, D.A.; Monreal-Gomez, M.A. (1986). The role of the loop current in the Gulf of Mexico fronts, in: Nihoul, J.C.J. (Ed.) Marine interfaces ecohydrodynamics: proceedings of the 17th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 42: pp. 295-311., more
- Nihoul, J.C.J. (1984). Contribution of remote sensing to modelling, in: Nihoul, J.C.J. Remote sensing of shelf sea hydrodynamics: proceedings of the 15th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 38: pp. 25-36., more
Projects (21) |
Top | Persons | Publications | Events | Datasets |
- BENCORE: Belgian Network for Coastal Reseach, more
- Biodiversity and morphological, biochemical, genetical, and ecological importance of tropical polypora, more
- ECOGIB: Ecohydrodynamical data analysis and modelling studies of the Gibraltar Strait, more
- EMODNET BIO II: European Marine Observation and Data Network - Biology Lot II, more
- EMODnet Bio IV: European Marine Observation and Data Network- Biology IV, more
- EMODNET-CHEM I: European Marine Observation and Data Network - Chemistry Lot, more
- GEOCOLOUR: Preparation for Geostationary Ocean Colour, more
- HiSea: High resolution merged satellite Sea surface temperature fields, more
- MFSTEP: Mediterranean ocean Forecasting System: Toward Environmental Predictions, more
- NOMATEC: Development of nondegrading, Novel Marine Technologies for the sustainable exploitation and protection of Mediterranean marine resources, more
- ODIP: Establishing and operating an Ocean Data Interoperability Platform, more
- Projekt Zee, more
- Responses of the Posidonia oceanica meadows to anthropogenic activities: biodiversity epigenous biocenosis (photophile and sciaphile populations), vitality and microcontaminants loads of the shoots, more
- SANGOMA: Stochastic Assimilation for the Next Generation Ocean Model Applications, more
- SEADATANET II: Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management, more
- SEADATANET: Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management, more
- SIMPLIC: Mathematical Modeling of Marine Ecosystems in a sustainable development perspective: model development, parameterization and simplification using data assimilation, more
- SLIM: Second-generation Louvain-la-Neuve Ice-ocean Model, more
- SMOS: SMOS Mission Oceanographic Data Exploitation, more
- SOFT: Satellite-based Ocean Forecasting System, more
- Viability of the Northeast Atlantic harbour porpoise and seals populations, more
Events (19) |
Top | Persons | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
- 22nd International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics : Ice covered seas and ice edges: physical, chemical and biological processes and interactions, more
- 23rd International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics: Modelling the interaction of the deep ocean and the shelf and coastal seas, more
- 24th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics: Sub-mesoscale air-sea interactions, more
- 25th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics: Data assimilation in marine science (in association with NATO), more
- 26th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics: The coastal ocean in a global change perspective, more
- 27th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics: Processes in regions of freshwater influence, more
- 28th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics: Modelling hydrodynamically dominated marine ecosystems, more
- 29th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics: Modelling of turbulence revisited, more
- 30th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics : Hydrodynamical and ecosystem processes in ice covered seas of the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, more
- 31st International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics: Three-Dimensional Ocean Circulation: Lagrangian measurements and diagnostic analyses, more
- 32nd International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics: Exchange Processes at the Ocean Margins, more
- 33rd International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics: The use of data assimilation in coupled hydrodynamic, ecological and bio-geo-chemical models of the ocean, more
- 34th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics : Tracer Methods in Geophysical Fluids Dynamics, more
- 35th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics : Dying and Dead Seas & NATO Advanced Research Workshop, more
- 36th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics : Marine Environmental Monitoring and Predictions, more
- 37th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics : Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, more
- 38th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics: Revisiting the Role (or Status) of Zooplankton in Pelagic Ecosystems, more
- 39th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics : Turbulence Re-Revisited, more
- 40th International Liège Colloquium on the Influence of Climate Change on the Changing Arctic and Subrarctic conditions & NATO-RUSSIA Advanced Research Workshop, more
Datasets (2) |
Top | Persons | Publications | Projects | Events |
- Troupin C (2023) Spatial interpolation of Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus helgolandicus observations in the North Sea. Integrated data products created under the European Marine Observation Data Network (EMODnet) Biology project Phase IV (EMFF/2019/ 6/SI2.837974), funded by the by the European Union under Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund., more
- Bio-Oracle: Tyberghein L., Verbruggen H., Pauly K., Troupin C., Mineur F. & De Clerck O. Bio-ORACLE: a global environmental dataset for marine species distribution modeling. Global Ecology and Biogeography (DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00656.x)., more