This institute is the successor of the institute underneath Onderzoeksgroep Ethologie (UA-BECO), more
English name: Behavioural Ecology and Ecophysiology
Parent institute: Universiteit Antwerpen; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Departement Biologie (UA), more
MRG keywords (4) : Climate change; Ecosystem functioning; Phylogeny; Pollutants
Address: Campus Drie Eiken
Gebouw C Universiteitsplein 1 2640 Antwerpen Belgium
| | Tel.: +32-(0)32-65 22 59
| |
Type: Scientific
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Persons formerly associated with this organization (13) |
Abstract: |
The main research interest of the Behavioural Ecology and Ecophysiology (BECO) group is the study of the causes and consequences of variation in behavioural traits among individuals. A major challenge in biology is to understand the interactions between an organism and its environment. Behaviour resides in the central core of this association as it affects and is affected by development, physiology, ecological dynamics, environmental choice, and evolution. Therefore, behaviour can be considered as a key component of integrative biology in a human-altered world. The research group studies behaviour from four perspectives (mechanisms, development, adaptive function, phylogeny) simultaneously, thus using an integrative and interdisciplinary framework and applies theoretical and methodological insights from animal behaviour and behavioural ecology to conservation biology and global change biology. The overarching aim of BECO's research is to explain and ideally predict how individuals and species respond behaviourally to human-induced rapid environmental change. Most research is on terrestrial birds, although an increasing number of studies is focusing on marine species. With regard to marine research, reproduction and foraging ecology is studied in several gull species and magnificent frigatebirds using both field observations/ experiments and GPS tracking technologies. The group also studies the role of different seabird species as biomonitors of pollution and environmental change. Within this context, the group explores both indicators and consequences of exposure, including immune function, endocrinology, reproduction, and the expression of visual and acoustic traits. Special attention is being paid to the use of bird feathers as a non-destructive indicator of both exposure to and effects (stress hormones) of pollutants. Using archived museum feather collections, temporal trends in a wide range of pollutants are being studied. |
Publications (109) |
Top | Persons | Datasets |
( 100 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Padilha, J.A.G.; Santos, S.; Willems, T.; Souza-Kasprzyk, J.; Leite, A.; Cunha, L.S.T.; Costa, E.S.; Pessoa, A.R.; Eens, M.; Prinsen, E.; Torres, J.P.M.; Das, K.; Lepoint, G.; Dorneles, P.R.; Bervoets, L.; Groffen, T. (2024). Assessing the trophic ecology and migration on the exposure of cape petrels and Wilson's storm petrels from Antarctica to perfluoroalkylated substances, trace and major elements. Environ. Res. 244: 117827., more
Salas, R.; Müller, W.; Stienen, E.; Matheve, H.; Vanden Broecke, B.; Verbruggen, F.; Lens, L. (2024). Breeding density affects the movements of gull chicks, the size of their home ranges and their association with neighbours. Royal Society Open Science 11(5): 231431., more
Sun, J.C.; Covaci, A.; Bustnes, J.O.; Jaspers, V.L.B.; Helander, B.; Bardsen, B.J.; Boertmann, D.; Dietz, R.; Labansen, A.L.; Schulz, R.; Malarvannan, G.; Sonne, C.; Thorup, K.; Tottrup, A.P.; Zubrod, J.; Eens, M.; Eulaers, I. (2024). Spatiotemporal trends of anthropogenic and naturally occurring polybrominated diphenyl ethers in long-term white-tailed eagle feather collections. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 11(2): 158-165., more
Clark, B.L.; Carneiro, A.P.B.; Pearmain, E.J.; Rouyer, M.-M.; Clay, T.A.; Cowger, W.; Phillips, R.A.; Manica, A.; Hazin, C.; Eriksen, M.; González-Solis, J.; Adams, J.; Albores-Barajas, Y.V.; Alfaro-Shigueto, J.; Alho, M.S.; Araujo, D.T.; Arcos, J.M.; Arnould, J.P.Y.; Barbosa, N.J.P.; Barbraud, C.; Beard, A.M.; Beck, J.; Bell, E.A.; Bennet, D.G.; Berlincourt, M.; Biscoito, M.; Bjørnstad, O.K.; Bolton, M.; Booth Jones, K.A.; Borg, J.J.; Bourgeois, K.; Bretagnolle, V.; Bried, J.; Briskie, J.V.; Brooke, M. de L..; Brownlie, K.C.; Bugoni, L.; Calabrese, L.; Campioni, L.; Carey, M.J.; Carle, R.D.; Carlile, N.; Carreiro, A.R.; Catry, P.; Catry, T.; Cecere, J.G.; Ceia, F.R.; Cherel, Y.; Choi, C.-Y.; Cianchetti-Benedetti, M.; Clarke, R.H.; Cleeland, J.B.; Colodro, V.; Congdon, B.C.; Danielsen, J.; De Pascalis, F.; Deakin, Z.; Dehnhard, N.; Dell'Omo, G.; Delord, K.; Déscamps, S.; Dilley, B.J.; Dinis, H.A.; Dubos, J.; Dunphy, B.J.; Emmerson, L.M.; Fagundes, A.I.; Fayet, A.L.; Felis, J.J.; Fischer, J.H.; Freeman, A.N.D.; Fromant, A.; Gaibani, G.; García, D.; Gjerdrum, C.; Gomes, I.S.G.C.; Forero, M.G.; Granadeiro, J.P.; Grecian, W.J.; Gremillet, D.; Guilford, T.; Hallgrimsson, G.T.; Halpin, L.R.; Hansen, E.S.; Hedd, A.; Helberg, M.; Helgason, H.H.; Henry, L.M.; Hereward, H.F.R.; Hernandez-Montero, M.; Hindell, M.A.; Hodum, P.J.; Imperio, S.; Jaeger, A.; Jessopp, M.; Jodice, P.G.R.; Jones, C.G.; Jones, C.W.; Jónsson, J.E.; Kane, A.; Kapelj, S.; Kim, Y.; Kirk, H.; Kolbeinsson, Y.; Kraemer, P.L.; Krüger, L.; Lago, P.; Landers, T.J.; Lavers, J.L.; Le Corre, M.; Leal, A.; Louzao, M.; Madeiros, J.; Magalhães, M.; Mallory, M.L.; Masello, J.F.; Massa, B.; Matsumoto, S.; McDuie, F.; McFarlane Tranquilla, L.; Medrano, F.; Metzger, B.J.; Militão, T.; Montevecchi, W.A.; Montone, R.C.; Navarro-Herrero, L.; Neves, V.C.; Nicholls, D.G.; Nicoll, M.A.C.; Norris, K.; Oppel, S.; Oro, D.; Owen, E.; Padget, O.; Paiva, V.H.; Pala, D.; Pereira, J.M.; Péron, C.; Petry, M.V.; de Pina, A.; Pina, A.T.M.; Pinet, P.; Pistorius, P.A.; Pollet, I.L.; Porter, B.J.; Poupart, T.A.; Powell, C.D.L.; Proaño, C.B.; Pujol-Casado, J.; Quillfeldt, P.; Quinn, J.L.; Raine, A.F.; Raine, H.; Ramirez, I.; Ramos, J.A.; Ramos, R.; Ravache, A.; Rayner, M.J.; Reid, T.A.; Robertson, G.J.; Rocamora, G.J.; Rollinson, D.P.; Ronconi, R.A.; Rotger, A.; Rubolini, D.; Ruhomaun, K.; Ruiz, A.; Russell, J.C.; Ryan, P.G.; Saldanha, S.; Sanz-Aguilar, A.; Sardà-Serra, M.; Satgé, Y.G.; Sato, K.; Schäfer, W.C.; Schoombie, S.; Shaffer, S.A.; Shah, N.; Shoji, A.; Shutler, D.; Sigurðsson, I.A.; Silva, M.C.; Small, A.E.; Soldatini, C.; Strøm, H.; Surman, C.A.; Takahashi, A.; Tatayah, V.R.V.; Taylor, G.A.; Thomas, R.J.; Thompson, D.R.; Thompson, P.M.; Thórarinsson, T.L.; Vicente-Sastre, D.; Vidal, É.; Wakefield, E.D.; Waugh, S.M.; Weimerskirch, H.; Wittmer, H.U.; Yamamoto, T.; Yoda, K.; Zavalaga, C.B.; Zino, F.J.; Dias, M.P. (2023). Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds. Nature Comm. 14(1): 3665., more
Green, C.-P.; Green, D.B.; Ratcliffe, N.; Thompson, D.; Lea, M.-A.; Baylis, A.M.M.; Bond, A.L.; Bost, C.-A.; Crofts, S.; Cuthbert, R.J.; González-Solís, J.; Morrison, K.W.; Poisbleau, M.; Pütz, K.; Rey, A.R.; Ryan, P.G.; Sagar, P.M.; Steinfurth, A.; Thiebot, J.-B.; Tierney, M.; Whitehead, T.O.; Wotherspoon, S.; Hindell, M.A. (2023). Potential for redistribution of post-moult habitat for Eudyptes penguins in the Southern Ocean under future climate conditions. Glob. Chang. Biol. 29(3): 648-667., more
Hansen, E.; Sun, J.C.; Helander, B.; Bustnes, J.O.; Eulaers, I.; Jaspers, V.L.B.; Covaci, A.; Eens, M.; Bourgeon, S. (2023). A retrospective investigation of feather corticosterone in a highly contaminated white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) population. Environ. Res. 228: 115923., more
Lasters, R.; Van Sundert, K.; Groffen, T.; Buytaert, J.; Eens, M.; Bervoets, L. (2023). Prediction of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in homegrown eggs: Insights into abiotic and biotic factors affecting bioavailability and derivation of potential remediation measures. Environ. Int. 181: 108300., more
Sebastiano, M.; Jouanneau, W.; Blevin, P.; Angelier, F.; Pallud, M.; Ribout, C.; Gernigon, J.; Lemesle, J.C.; Robin, F.; Pardon, P.; Budzinski, H.; Labadie, P.; Chastel, O. (2023). Physiological effects of PFAS exposure in seabird chicks: A multi-species study of thyroid hormone triiodothyronine, body condition and telomere length in South Western France. Sci. Total Environ. 901: 165920., more
Baert, J.M.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Verbruggen, F.; Van de Weghe, N.; Lens, L.; Müller, W. (2022). Resource predictability drives interannual variation in migratory behavior in a long-lived bird. Behav. Ecol. 33(1): 263-270., more
Jouanneau, W.; Sebastiano, M.; Rozen-Rechels, D.; Harris, S.M.; Blévin, P.; Angerlier, F.; Brischoux, F.; Gernigon, J.; Lemesle, J.-C.; Robin, F.; Cherel, Y.; Bustamante, P.; Chastel, O. (2022). Blood mercury concentrations in four sympatric gull species from South Western France: insights from stable isotopes and biologging. Environ. Pollut. 308: 119619., more
Kempton, J.A.; Wynn, J.; Bond, S.; Evry, J.; Fayet, A.L.; Gillies, N.; Guilford, T.; Kavelaars, M.; Juarez-Martinez, I.; Padget, O.; Rutz, C.; Shoji, A.; Syposz, M.; Taylor, G.K. (2022). Optimization of dynamic soaring in a flap-gliding seabird affects its large-scale distribution at sea. Science Advances 8(22): eabo0200., more
Lasters, R.; Groffen, T.; Eens, M.; Coertjens, D.; Hofman, J.; Bervoets, L. (2022). Home-produced eggs: An important human exposure pathway of perfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS). Chemosphere 308: 136283., more
Padilha, J.; de Carvalho, G.O.; Willems, T.; Lepoint, G.; Cunha, L.; Pessoa, A.R.L.; Eens, M.; Prinsen, E.; Costa, E.; Torres, J.P.; Dorneles, P.; Das, K.; Bervoets, L.; Groffen, T. (2022). Perfluoroalkylated compounds in the eggs and feathers of resident and migratory seabirds from the Antarctic Peninsula. Environ. Res. 214: 114157., more
Salas, R.; Baert, J.; Stienen, E.; Lens, L.; Müller, W. (2022). Territoriality constrains foraging activity and has carry-over effects on reproductive investment. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 169(7): 87., more
Salas, R.; Lens, L.; Stienen, E.; Verbruggen, F.; Müller, W. (2022). Growing up in a crowd: social environment shapes the offspring's early exploratory phenotype in a colonial breeding species. Royal Society Open Science 9(10): 220839., more
Sebastiano, M.; Eens, M.; Bustamante, P.; Chastel, O.; Costantini, D. (2022). Seabirds under environmental pressures: food supplementation has a larger impact than selenium on chicks exposed to mercury and a viral disease. Front. Ecol. Evol. 10: 963512., more
Sebastiano, M.; Costantini, D.; Eens, M.; Pineau, K.; Bustamante, P.; Chastel, O. (2022). Possible interaction between exposure to environmental contaminants and nutritional stress in promoting disease occurrence in seabirds from French Guiana: a review. Reg. environ. Change 22(2): 63., more
Sotillo, A.; Baert, J.M.; Müller, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Lens, L. (2022). Weather- and human-related shifts in feeding conditions promote the use of built-up areas by an avian opportunist. Landsc. Urb. Plan. 217: 104268., more
Baert, J.M.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Verbruggen, F.; Van de Weghe, N.; Lens, L.; Müller, W. (2021). Context‐dependent specialisation drives temporal dynamics in intra‐ and inter‐individual variation in foraging behaviour within a generalist bird population. Oikos (Kbh.) 130(8): 1272-1283., more
Brown, J.M.; van Loon, E.E.; Bouten, W.; Camphuysen, C.J.; Lens, L.; Müller, W.; Thaxter, C.B.; Shamoun-Baranes, J. (2021). Long‐distance migrants vary migratory behaviour as much as short‐distance migrants: An individual‐level comparison from a seabird species with diverse migration strategies. J. Anim. Ecol. 90(5): 1058-1070., more
Dehnhard, N.; Klekociuk, A.R.; Emmerson, L. (2021). Interactive effects of body mass changes and species-specific morphology on flight behavior of chick-rearing Antarctic fulmarine petrels under diurnal wind patterns. Ecol. Evol. 11(9): 4972-4991., more
Dietz, R.; Fort, J.; Sonne, C.; Albert, C.; Bustnes, J.O.; Christensen, T.K.; Ciesielski, T.M.; Danielsen, J.; Dastnai, S.; Eens, M.; Erikstad, K.E.; Galatius, A.; Garbus, S.-E.; Gilg, O.; Hanssen, S.A.; Helander, B.; Helberg, M.; Jaspers, V.L.B.; Jenssen, B.M.; Jónsson, J.E.; Kauhala, K.; Kolbeinsson, Y.; Kyhn, L.A.; Labansen, A.L.; Larsen, M.M.; Lindstom, U.; Reiertsen, T.K.; Riget, F.F.; Roos, A.; Strand, J.; Strøm, H.; Sveegaard, S.; Søndergaard, J.; Sun, J.; Teilmann, J.; Therkildsen, O.R.; Thórarinsson, T.L.; Tjørnløv, R.S.; Wilson, S.; Eulaers, I. (2021). A risk assessment of the effects of mercury on Baltic Sea, Greater North Sea and North Atlantic wildlife, fish and bivalves. Environ. Int. 146: 106178., more
Groffen, T.; Bervoets, L.; Jeong, Y.; Willems, T.; Eens, M.; Prinsen, E. (2021). A rapid method for the detection and quantification of legacy and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in bird feathers using UPLC-MS/MS. Journal of Chromatography B 1172: 122653., more
Kavelaars, M.M.; Baert, J.M.; Van Malderen, J.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Lens, L.; Müller, W. (2021). Simultaneous GPS-tracking of parents reveals a similar parental investment within pairs, but no immediate co-adjustment on a trip-to-trip basis. Movement Ecology 9(1): 42., more
Lopez-Antia, A.; Kavelaars, M.M.; Müller, W.; Bervoets, L.; Eens, M. (2021). Understanding PFAAs exposure in a generalist seabird species breeding in the vicinity of a fluorochemical plant: influence of maternal transfer and diet. Environ. Pollut. 271: 116355., more
Verpooten, J. (2021). Complex vocal learning and three-dimensional mating environments. Biol. Philos. 36(2): 12., more
De Rijcke, M.; Baert, J.M.; Brion, N.; Vandegehuchte, M.B.; De Laender, F.; Janssen, C.R. (2020). Monoculture-based consumer-resource models predict species dominance in mixed batch cultures of dinoflagellates. Harmful Algae 99: 101921., more
Dehnhard, N.; Achurch, H.; Clarke, J.; Michel, L.N.; Southwell, C.; Sumner, M.D.; Eens, M.; Emmerson, L. (2020). High inter- and intraspecific niche overlap among three sympatrically breeding, closely related seabird species: generalist foraging as an adaptation to a highly variable environment? J. Anim. Ecol. 89(1): 104-119., more
Martín-Vélez, V.; Mohringa, B.; van Leeuwen, C.H.A.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Thaxter, C.B.; Baert, J.M.; Camphuysen, C.J.; Green, A.J. (2020). Functional connectivity network between terrestrial and aquatic habitats by a generalist waterbird, and implications for biovectoring. Sci. Total Environ. 705: 135886., more
Salas, R.; Müller, W.; Vercruijsse, H.; Lens, L.; Stienen, E. (2020). Forced nest site relocations negatively affect reproductive investment in a colonial seabird species. Biol. Conserv. 246: 108550., more
Santos, C.; Sotillo, A.; Gupta, T.; Delgado, S.; Müller, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; De Neve, L.; Lens, L.; Soares, A.M.V.M; Monteiro, M.S.; Loureiro, S. (2020). Mercury uptake affects the development of Larus fuscus chicks. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 39(10): 2008-2017., more
Sun, J.; Covaci, A.; Bustnes, J.O.; Jaspers, V.L.B.; Helander, B.; Bårdsen, B.-J.; Boertmann, D.; Dietz, R.; Labansen, A.L.; Lepoint, G.; Schulz, R.; Malarvannan, G.; Sonne, C.; Thorup, K.; Tøttrup, A.P.; Zubrod, J.P.; Eens, M.; Eulaers, I. (2020). Temporal trends of legacy organochlorines in different white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) subpopulations: a retrospective investigation using archived feathers. Environ. Int. 138: 105618., more
Kavelaars, M.M.; Lens, L.; Müller, W. (2019). Sharing the burden: on the division of parental care and vocalizations during incubation. Behav. Ecol. 30(4): 1062-1068., more
Mays, H.L.; Oehler, D.A.; Morrison, K.W.; Morales, A.E.; Lycans, A.; Perdue, J.; Battley, P.F.; Cherel, Y.; Chilvers, B.L.; Crofts, S.; Demongin, L.; Fry, W.R.; Hiscock, J.; Kusch, A.; Marin, M.; Poisbleau, M.; Quillfeldt, P.; Rey, A.R.; Steinfurth, A.; Thompson, D.R.; Weakley, L.A. (2019). Phylogeography, population structure, and species delimitation in rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome and Eudyptes moseleyi). J. Hered. 110(7): 801-817., more
Santos, C.S.A.; Loureiro, S.; Sotillo, A.; Müller, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; de Neve, L.; Lens, L.; Monteiro, M.S. (2019). Assay optimisation and age-related baseline variation in biochemical markers in Lesser Black-backed gulls. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 172: 246-254., more
Sebastiano, M.; Eens, M.; Pineau, K.; Chastel, O.; Costantini, D. (2019). Food supplementation protects Magnificent frigatebird chicks against a fatal viral disease. Conserv. Lett. 12(3): e12630., more
Sotillo, A.; Baert, J.M.; Müller, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Lens, L. (2019). Time and energy costs of different foraging choices in an avian generalist species. Movement Ecology 7(1): 41., more
Sotillo, A.; Baert, J.M.; Müller, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Lens, L. (2019). Recently-adopted foraging strategies constrain early chick development in a coastal breeding gull. PeerJ 7: e7250., more
Sun, J.; Bossi, R.; Bustnes, J.O.; Helander, B.; Boertmann, D.; Dietz, R.; Herzke, D.; Jaspers, V.L.B.; Labansen, A.L.; Lepoint, G.; Schulz, R.; Sonne, C.; Thorup, K.; Tøttrup, A.P.; Zubrod, J.P.; Eens, M.; Eulaers, I. (2019). White-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) body feathers document spatiotemporal trends of perfluoroalkyl substances in the northern environment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 53(21): 12744-12753., more
Sun, J.; Bustnes, J.O.; Helander, B.; Bårdsen, B.-J.; Boertmann, D.; Dietz, R.; Jaspers, V.L.B.; Labansen, A.L.; Lepoint, G.; Schulz, R.; Søndergaard, J.; Sonne, C.; Thorup, K.; Tøttrup, A.P.; Zubrod, J.P.; Eens, M.; Eulaers, I. (2019). Temporal trends of mercury differ across three northern white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) subpopulations. Sci. Total Environ. 687: 77-86., more
van den Bosch, M.; Baert, J.M.; Müller, W.; Lens, L.; Stienen, E. (2019). Specialization reduces foraging effort and improves breeding performance in a generalist bird. Behav. Ecol. 30(3): 792-800., more
Vanermen, N.; Courtens, W.; Daelemans, R.; Lens, L.; Müller, W.; Van de walle, M.; Verstraete, H.; Stienen, E. (2019). Attracted to the outside: a meso-scale response pattern of lesser black-backed gulls at an offshore wind farm revealed by GPS telemetry. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer fsz199(2): 10., more
Baert, J.M.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Heylen, B.C.; Kavelaars, M.M.; Buijs, R.-J.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Lens, L.; Müller, W. (2018). High-resolution GPS tracking reveals sex differences in migratory behaviour and stopover habitat use in the Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus. NPG Scientific Reports 8(1): 5391., more
Costantini, D.; Angeletti, D.; Strinati, C.; Trisolino, P.; Carlini, A.; Nascetti, G.; Carere, C.; Costantini, D. (2018). Dietary antioxidants, food deprivation and growth affect differently oxidative status of blood and brain in juvenile European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part A Mol. Integr. Physiol. 216: 1-7., more
Kavelaars, M.M.; Stienen, E.; Matheve, H.; Buijs, R.-J.; Lens, L.; Müller, W. (2018). GPS tracking during parental care does not affect early offspring development in lesser black-backed gulls. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 165(5): 87., more
Keogan, K.; Daunt, F.; Wanless, S.; Phillips, R.A.; Walling, C.A.; Agnew, P.; Ainley, D.G.; Anker-Nilssen, T.; Ballard, G.; Barrett, R.T.; Barton, K.J.; Bech, C.; Becker, P.H.; Berglund, P.-A.; Bollache, L.; Bond, A.L.; Bouwhuis, S.; Bradley, R.W.; Burr, Z.M.; Camphuysen, C.J.; Catry, P.; Chiaradia, A.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, S.; Cuthbert, R.; Dehnhard, N.; Déscamps, S.; Diamond, T.; Divoky, G.; Drummond, H.; Dugger, K.M.; Dunn, M.J.; Emmerson, L.; Erikstad, K.E.; Fort, J.; Fraser, W.R.; Genovart, M.; Gilg, O.; González-Solis, J.; Granadeiro, J.P.; Gremillet, D.; Hansen, J.; Hanssen, S.A.; Harris, M.; Hedd, A.; Hinke, J.; Igual, J.M.; Jahncke, J.; Jones, I.; Kappes, P.J.; Lang, J.; Langset, M.; Lescroël, A.; Lorentsen, S.-H.; Lyver, P.O.; Mallory, M.; Moe, B.; Montevecchi, W.A.; Monticelli, D.; Mostello, C.; Newell, M.; Nicholson, L.; Nisbet, I.; Olsson, O.; Oro, D.; Pattison, V.; Poisbleau, M.; Pyk, T.; Quintana, F.; Ramos, J.A.; Ramos, R.; Reiertsen, T.K.; Rodríguez, C.; Ryan, P.; Sanz-Aguilar, A.; Schmidt, N.M.; Shannon, P.; Sittler, B.; Southwell, C.; Surman, C.; Svagelj, W.S.; Trivelpiece, W.Z.; Warzybok, P.; Watanuki, Y.; Weimerskirch, H.; Wilson, P.R.; Wood, A.G.; Phillimore, A.B.; Lewis, S. (2018). Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds. Nat. Clim. Chang. 8(4): 313-318., more
Padget, O.; Bond, S.L.; Kavelaars, M.M.; van Loon, E.; Bolton, M.; Fayet, A.L.; Syposz, M.; Roberts, S.; Guilford, T. (2018). In situ clock shift reveals that the sun compass contributes to orientation in a pelagic seabird. Curr. Biol. 28(2): 275-279., more
Sebastiano, M.; Eens, M.; Messina, S.; AbdElgawad, H.; Pineau, K.; Beemster, G.T.S.; Chastel, O.; Costantini, D. (2018). Resveratrol supplementation reduces oxidative stress and modulates the immune response in free‐living animals during a viral infection. Funct. Ecol. 32(11): 2509-2519., more
Costantini, D.; Sebastiano, M.; Müller, M.S.; Eulaers, I.; Ambus, P.; Malarvannan, G.; Covaci, A.; Massa, B.; Dell'Omo, G. (2017). Individual variation of persistent organic pollutants in relation to stable isotope ratios, sex, reproductive phase and oxidative status in Scopoli's shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea) from the Southern Mediterranean. Sci. Total Environ. 598: 179-187., more
Dehnhard, N. (2017). Comment on population trends of southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) on Isla Pinguino, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Polar Biol. 40(8): 1493-1496., more
Dehnhard, N.; Jaspers, V.L.B.; Demongin, L.; Van den Steen, E.; Covaci, A.; Pinxten, R.; Crossin, G.T.; Quillfeldt, P.; Eens, M.; Poisbleau, M. (2017). Organohalogenated contaminants in plasma and eggs of rockhopper penguins: does vitellogenin affect maternal transfer? Environ. Pollut. 226: 277-287., more
Garnier, R.; Ramos, R.; Sanz-Aguilar, A.; Poisbleau, M.; Weimerskirch, H.; Burthe, S.; Tornos, J.; Boulinier, T. (2017). Interpreting ELISA analyses from wild animal samples: some recurrent issues and solutions. Funct. Ecol. 31(12): 2255-2262., more
Hanssen, S.A.; Sonne, C.; Bustnes, J.O.; Schnug, L.; Bourgeon, S.; Ballesteros, M.; Eulaers, I.; Moum, T.; Johnsen, T.V.; Kjelgaard-Hansen, M.; Herzke, D.; Jaspers, V.L.B.; Covaci, A.; Eens, M.; Halley, D.J.; Erikstad, K.E.; Ims, R.A. (2017). Anti-parasite treatment and blood biochemistry in raptor nestlings. Can. J. Zool. 95(9): 685-693., more
Lopez-Antia, A.; Dauwe, T.; Meyer, J.; Maes, K.; Bervoets, L.; Eens, M. (2017). High levels of PFOS in eggs of three bird species in the neighbourhood of a fluoro-chemical plant. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 139: 165-171., more
Poisbleau, M.; Beaulieu, M.; Dehnhard, N.; Demongin, L.; Lepoint, G.; Sturaro, N.; Eens, M. (2017). Extreme intra-clutch egg size dimorphism is not coupled with corresponding differences in antioxidant capacity and stable isotopes between eggs. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part A Mol. Integr. Physiol. 205: 77-85., more
Santos, C.S.A.; Blondel, L.; Sotillo, A.; Müller, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Boeckx, P.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Monteiro, M.S.; Loureiro, S.; de Neve, L.; Lens, L. (2017). Offspring Hg exposure relates to parental feeding strategies in a generalist bird with strong individual foraging specialization. Sci. Total Environ. 601-602: 1315-1323., more
Sebastiano, M.; Bustamante, P.; Eulaers, I.; Malarvannan, G.; Mendez-Fernandez, P.; Churlaud, C.; Blévin, P.; Hauselmann, A.; Covaci, A.; Eens, M.; Costantini, D.; Chastel, O. (2017). Trophic ecology drives contaminant concentrations within a tropical seabird community. Environ. Pollut. 227: 183-193., more
Sebastiano, M.; Eens, M.; Angelier, F.; Pineau, K.; Chastel, O.; Costantini, D. (2017). Corticosterone, inflammation, immune status and telomere length in frigatebird nestlings facing a severe herpesvirus infection. Conservation Physiology 5(1): cow073., more
Sebastiano, M.; Eens, M.; Abd Elgawad, H.; de Thoisy, B.; Lacoste, V.; Pineau, K.; Asard, H.; Chastel, O.; Costantini, D. (2017). Oxidative stress biomarkers are associated with visible clinical signs of a disease in frigatebird nestlings. NPG Scientific Reports 7: 1599., more
Dehnhard, N.; Ludynia, K.; Masello, J.F.; Voigt, C.C.; McGill, R.A.R.; Quillfeldt, P. (2016). Plasticity in foraging behaviour and diet buffers effects of inter-annual environmental differences on chick growth and survival in southern rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome. Polar Biol. 39(9): 1627-1641., more
Dehnhard, N.; Eens, M.; Sturaro, N.; Lepoint, G.; Demongin, L.; Quillfeldt, P.; Poisbleau, M. (2016). Is individual consistency in body mass and reproductive decisions linked to individual specialization in foraging behavior in a long-lived seabird? Ecol. Evol. 6(13): 4488-4501., more
Espin, S.; Garcia-Fernandez, A.J.; Herzke, D.; Shore, R.F.; Van Hattum, B.; Martinez-Lopez, E.; Coeurdassier, M.; Eulaers, I.; Fritsch, C.; Gómez-Ramírez, P.; Jaspers, V.L.B.; Krone, O.; Duke, G.; Helander, B.; Mateo, R.; Movalli, P.; Sonne, C.; Van den Brink, N.W. (2016). Tracking pan-continental trends in environmental contamination using sentinel raptors-what types of samples should we use? Ecotoxicology 25(4): 777-801., more
Gupta, T.; Santos, C.S.A.; Sotillo, A.; De Neve, L.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Müller, W.; Lens, L. (2016). Nutritional stress causes heterogeneous relationships with multi-trait FA in Lesser black-backed gull chicks: an aviary experiment. Symmetry 8(11): a133 [1-12]., more
Sebastiano, M.; Bustamante, P.; Costantini, D.; Eulaers, I.; Malarvannan, G.; Mendez-Fernandez, P.; Churlaud, C.; Blévin, P.; Hauselmann, A.; Dell'Omo, G.; Covaci, A.; Eens, M.; Chastel, O. (2016). High levels of mercury and low levels of persistent organic pollutants in a tropical seabird in French Guiana, the Magnificent frigatebird, Fregata magnificens. Environ. Pollut. 214: 384-393., more
Stienen, E.W.M.; Desmet, P.; Aelterman, B.; Courtens, W.; Feys, S.; Vanermen, N.; Verstraete, H.; Van de walle, M.; Deneudt, K.; Hernandez, F.; Houthoofdt, R.; Vanhoorne, B.; Bouten, W.; Buijs, R.-J.; Kavelaars, M.; Müller, W.; Herman, D.; Matheve, H.; Sotillo, A.; Lens, L. (2016). GPS tracking data of Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Herring Gulls breeding at the southern North Sea coast. ZooKeys 555(555): 115-124., more
Dehnhard, N.; Pinxten, R.; Demongin, L.; Van Camp, J.; Eens, M.; Poisbleau, M. (2015). Relationships between female quality, egg mass and eggshell blue-green colouration in southern rockhopper penguins: a test of the sexual signalling hypothesis. Polar Biol. 38(11): 1805-1811., more
Dehnhard, N.; Eens, M.; Demongin, L.; Quillfeldt, P; Poisbleau, M. (2015). Individual consistency and phenotypic plasticity in rockhopper penguins: female but not male body mass links environmental conditions to reproductive investment. PLoS One 10(6): e0128776., more
Dehnhard, N.; Eens, M.; Demongin, L.; Quillfeldt, P.; Suri, D.; Poisbleau, M. (2015). Limited individual phenotypic plasticity in the timing of and investment into egg laying in southern rockhopper penguins under climate change. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 524: 269-281., more
Larsen, T.R.; Fairhurst, G.D.; De Baere, S.; Croubels, S.; Müller, W.; De Neve, L.; Lens, L. (2015). Novel insights into relationships between egg corticosterone and timing of breeding revealed by LC-MS/MS. J. Avian Biol. 46(6): 643-647., more
Poisbleau, M.; Dehnhard, N.; Demongin, L.; Quillfeldt, P; Eens, M. (2015). Two eggs, two different constraints: a potential explanation for the puzzling intraclutch egg size dimorphism in Eudyptes penguins. Ecol. Evol. 5(14): 2827-2838., more
Thiebot, J.; Bost, C.; Dehnhard, N.; Demongin, L.; Eens, M.; Lepoint, G.; Cherel, Y.; Poisbleau, M. (2015). Mates but not sexes differ in migratory niche in a monogamous penguin species. Biol. Lett. 11(9): 20150429., more
Dehnhard, N.; Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Ludynia, K; Quillfeldt, P (2014). High juvenile annual survival probabilities in Southern Rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome are independent of individual fledging traits. Ibis 156(3): 548-560., more
Eulaers, I.; Jaspers, V.L.B.; Halley, J; Lepoint, G.; Nygard, T; Pinxten, R.; Covaci, A.; Eens, M. (2014). Brominated and phosphorus flame retardants in White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla nestlings: bioaccumulation and associations with dietary proxies (d13C, d15N and d34S). Sci. Total Environ. 478: 48-57., more
Catry, P; Poisbleau, M.; Lecoq, M; Phillips, A (2013). Differences in the timing and extent of annual moult of black-browed albatrosses Thalassarche melanophris living in contrasting environments. Polar Biol. 36(6): 837-842., more
Dehnhard, N; Ludynia, K; Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Quillfeldt, P (2013). Good days, bad days: wind as a driver of foraging success in a flightless seabird, the Southern rockhopper penguin. PLoS One 8(11): -., more
Dehnhard, N.; Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Ludynia, K.; Lecoq, M.; Masello, J.F.; Quillfeldt, P. (2013). Survival of rockhopper penguins in times of global climate change. Aquat. Conserv. 23(5): 777-789., more
Demongin, L.; Poisbleau, M.; Eens, M. (2013). Parental behavior controls asynchronous hatching, but not incubation period, in the Magellanic Penguin: a commentary on Rebstock and Boersma (2011). Condor 115(1): 1-4., more
Ludynia, K.; Dehnhard, N.; Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Masello, J.F.; Voigt, C.C.; Quillfeldt, P. (2013). Sexual segregation in rockhopper penguins during incubation. Anim. Behav. 85(1): 255-267., more
Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Eens, M.; Quillfeldt, P. (2013). Sex-biased disruptive behaviour in breeding crested penguins. Polar Biol. 36(2): 177-183., more
Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Hardouin, L.A.; Carslake, D.; Eens, M.; Quillfeldt, P. (2013). Hatching vocalisations in free-living Rockhopper Penguins. Ardea 101(1): 39-44, more
Poisbleau, M.; Dehnhard, N.; Demongin, L.; Parenteau, C.; Quillfeldt, P.; Eens, M. (2013). Females paired with new and heavy mates reduce intra-clutch differences in resource allocation. PLoS One 8(8): e72136., more
Crossin, G.; Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Chastel, O.; Williams, T.; Eens, M.; Quillfeldt, P. (2012). Migratory constraints on yolk precursors limit yolk androgen deposition and underlie a brood reduction strategy in rockhopper penguins. Biol. Lett. 8(6): 1055-1058., more
Ludynia, K.; Dehnhard, N.; Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Masello, J.; Quillfeldt, P. (2012). Evaluating the impact of handling and logger attachment on foraging parameters and physiology in Southern rockhopper penguins. PLoS One 7(11): e50429., more
Poisbleau, M.; Müller, W.; Carslake, D.; Demongin, L.; Groothuis, T.G.G.; Van Camp, J.; Eens, M. (2012). Penguin chicks benefit from elevated yolk androgen levels under sibling competition. PLoS One 7(7): 1-8., more
Sonne, C.; Bustnes, J.O.; Herzke, D.; Jaspers, V.L.B.; Covaci, A.; Eulaers, I.; Halley, D.J.; Moum, T.; Ballesteros, M.; Eens, M.; Ims, R.A.; Hanssen, S.A.; Erikstad, K.E.; Johnsen, T.V.; Riget, F.F.; Jensen, A.L.; Kjelgaard-Hansen, M. (2012). Blood plasma clinical-chemical parameters as biomarker endpoints for organohalogen contaminant exposure in Norwegian raptor nestlings. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 80: 76-83., more
Dehnhard, N.; Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Chastel, O.; van Noordwijk, H.; Quillfeldt, P. (2011). Leucocyte profiles and corticosterone in chicks of southern rockhopper penguins. J. Comp. Physiol. (B Biochem. Syst. Environ. Physiol.) 181(1): 83-90., more
Dehnhard, N.; Voigt, C.; Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Quillfeldt, P. (2011). Stable isotopes in southern rockhopper penguins: foraging areas and sexual differences in the non-breeding period. Polar Biol. 34(11): 1763-1773., more
Dehnhard, N.; Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Quillfeldt, P. (2011). Do leucocyte profiles reflect temporal and sexual variation in body condition over the breeding cycle in Southern Rockhopper Penguins? Journ. Ornithol. 152(3): 759-768., more
Poisbleau, M.; Carslake, D.; Demongin, L.; Eens, M.; Chastel, O.; Quillfeldt, P. (2011). Yolk androgen deposition without an energetic cost for female rockhopper penguins: a compensatory strategy to accelerate brood reduction? Biol. Lett. 7(4): 605-607., more
Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Chastel, O.; Eens, M.; Quillfeldt, P. (2011). Yolk androgen deposition in rockhopper penguins, a species with reversed hatching asynchrony. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 170(3): 622-628., more
Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Strange, I.J.; Eens, M.; Quillfeldt, P. (2011). Is the reduced incubation time for B-eggs in Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome linked to egg density variation? Journ. Ornithol. 152(1): 137-142., more
Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Parenteau, C.; Eens, M. (2011). Intra-clutch ratio of yolk progesterone level changes with laying date in rockhopper penguins: a strategy to influence brood reduction? PLoS One 6(11): e27765., more
Quillfeldt, P.; Poisbleau, M.; Parenteau, C.; Trouve, C.; Demongin, L.; van Noordwijk, H.; Mostl, E. (2011). Measuring corticosterone in seabird egg yolk and the presence of high yolk gestagen concentrations. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 173(1): 11-14., more
Van den Steen, E.; Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Covaci, A.; Dirtu, A.C.; Pinxten, R.; van Noordwijk, H.; Quillfeldt, P.; Eens, M. (2011). Organohalogenated contaminants in eggs of rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) and imperial shags (Phalacrocorax atriceps) from the Falkland Islands. Sci. Total Environ. 409(14): 2838-2844., more
Demongin, L.; Poisbleau, M.; Strange, G.; Strange, I. (2010). Second and third records of Snares penguins (Eudyptes robustus) in the Falkland Islands. Wilson J. Ornithol. 122(1): 190-193., more
Demongin, L.; Poisbleau, M.; Strange, I.; Quillfeldt, P. (2010). Effects of severe rains on the mortality of Southern Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) chicks and its impact on breeding success = Efectos de severas lluvias en la mortalidad de los pichones de Pingüino Penacho Amarillo(Eudyptes chrysocome) y su impacto en el éxito reproductivo. Ornitologia Neotropical 21(3): 439-443, more
Demongin, L.; Poisbleau, M.; Rey, A.R.; Schiavini, A.; Quillfeldt, P.; Eens, M.; Strange, I.J. (2010). Geographical variation in egg size dimorphism in rockhopper penguins. Polar Biol. 33(4): 469-476., more
Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; Chastel, O.; Eens, M.; Quillfeldt, P. (2010). Reversed hatching order, body condition and corticosterone levels in chicks of southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome). Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 169(3): 244-249., more
Poisbleau, M.; Demongin, L.; van Noordwijk, H.; Strange, I.; Quillfeldt, P. (2010). Sexual dimorphism and use of morphological measurements to sex adults, immatures and chicks of Rockhopper penguins. Ardea 98(2): 217-224., more
Demongin, L.; Poisbleau, M.; Matias, R.; Granadeiro, J. (2009). Adoption of a Southern Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) chick by a Black-Browed Albatross (Thalassarche melanophris). Ornitologia Neotropical 20(4): 629-632, more
- Baert, J. (2023). Environmental dependency of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. PhD Thesis. Ghent University: Ghent. ISBN 978-90-5989-986-5. 207 pp., more
- Baert, J.; Stienen, E.; Heylen, B.; Kavelaars, M.; Buijs, R.-J.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Lens, L.; Müller, W. (2018). Migratory routes and stopover sites of the Lesser Black-backed Gull: where to go if your options are endless?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 73, more
- Dehnhard, N.; Achurch, H.; Clarke, J.; Kawaguchi, S.; Michel, L; Southwell, C.; Walters, A.; Eens, M. (2018). Foraging distribution, habitat preferences and diet of Antarctic petrels, cape petrels and southern fulmars - inter-specific overlap as a consequence of high environmental variability?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 34, more
- Heylen, B.C.; Baert, J.M.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Müller, W.; Lens, L. (2018). Where to go during winter? Habitat use does not shape variation in migratory strategies in lesser black-backed gulls, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 80, more
- Heylen, B.C.; Nachtsheim, D.A. (2018). Bio-telemetry as an essential tool in movement ecology and marine conservation, in: Jungblut, S. et al. YOUMARES 8 – Oceans Across Boundaries: Learning from each other: Proceedings of the 2017 conference for YOUng MARine RESearchers in Kiel, Germany. pp. 83-107., more
- Salas, R.; Deneudt, K.; Lens, L.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Baert, J.; Kavelaars, M.M.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Müller, W. (2018). Time investment and territorial behaviour of lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus) during the pre-laying period, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 88, more
- Sotillo, A.; Baert, J.; Müller, W.; Stienen, E.; Soares, A.; Lens, L. (2018). Fish or garbage: do diet and foraging choices of an avian scavenger impact on its breeding performance?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 57, more
- Dehnhard, N.; Achurch, H.; Clarke, J.; Michel, L.; King, R.; Walters, A.; Southwell, C.; Eens, M.; Emmerson, L. (2017). Foraging distribution, habitat preferences and diet of breeding Antarctic fulmarine petrels in East Antarctica, in: Van de Putte, A. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 July 2017. pp. 122, more
- Stienen, E.; Desmet, P.; Hernandez, F.; Lens, L.; Müller, W. (2017). GPS tracking network of Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Herring Gulls breeding at the southern North Sea coast, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 81, more
Datasets (3) |
Top | Persons | Publications |
- Stienen E W, Desmet P, Milotic T, Hernandez F, Deneudt K, Bouten W, Müller W, Matheve H, Lens L (2024). LBBG_ZEEBRUGGE - Lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus, Laridae) breeding at the southern North Sea coast (Belgium and the Netherlands). Version 1.2. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Occurrence dataset., more
- Stienen E W, Müller W, Lens L, Milotic T, Desmet P (2024). LBBG_JUVENILE - Juvenile lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus, Laridae) and herring gulls (Larus argentatus, Laridae) hatched in Zeebrugge (Belgium). Version 1.1. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Occurrence dataset., more
- Stienen E W, Mülller W, Lens L, Milotic T, Desmet P (2024). LBBG_ADULT - Lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus, Laridae) breeding in Belgium. Version 1.2. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Occurrence dataset., more