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Modelled water elevation data for the North Sea continental shelf (past and future) [Gemodelleerde waterhoogtegegevens voor het continentaal plat van de Noordzee (verleden en toekomst)]
Stephanie Ponsar; Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences; (2019) Modelled water elevation data for the North Sea continental shelf (past and future). https://marineinfo.org/id/dataset/6312
Contact: Ponsar, Stéphanie ;

Availability: For more information on the restrictions, use contact information.

Modelled water elevation data for the North Sea continental shelf from climate simulations, including evaluation run, historical run and RCP8.5 climate runs. Calculated for 1976-2005 for the historical data, 1980-2009 for the evaluation data, 2070-2099 for the climate RCP8.5 data; output with a 1-hour resolution. Numerical model: COHERENS hydrodynamic model v2.11.1 (Luyten 2016).

Physical > Water level (& bottom pressure, IES)
water elevation, ANE, North Sea

Geographical coverage
ANE, North Sea [Marine Regions]

Temporal coverage
1976 - 2005
1980 - 2009
2070 - 2099

Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen (IRScNB/KBIN), moredata ownerdata creator

Used in this dataset
Luyten, P. (Ed.) (2016). COHERENS hydrodynamic model v2.11.1: coherens - a coupled hydrodynamic-ecological model for regional and shelf seas: user documentation. Version 2.6. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, OD Natural Environment: Brussels. 1554 pp., more

Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research: experiment
Metadatarecord created: 2019-09-16
Information last updated: 2019-09-16
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