Gelatinous macrozooplankton abundance and biomass in Sevastopol Bay and inshore waters off the Crimean Coasts of the Black Sea
Finenko, G.; Abolmasova, G.; Datsyk, N.; Anninsky, B.; Romanova, Z. (2012). Gelatinous macrozooplankton abundance and biomass in Sevastopol Bay and inshore waters off the Crimean Coasts of the Black Sea. Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas NASU.
Finenko, Galyna Availability:
![]() Description
The dataset contains the monitoring data on abundance and biomass of four gelatinous zooplankton species (Mnemiopsis leidyi, Beroe ovata, Aurelia aurita, Pleurobrachia pileus) from January 2000 to December 2011 in Sevastopol Bay and inshore waters off the Crimean coast (about 2500 records). Gelatinous zooplankton was collected at 5 stations in Sevastopol Bay and 3 stations in inshore waters near Sevastopol. Scope Themes: Biology > Invertebrates, Biology > Plankton > Zooplankton Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Inshore waters, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, MED, Ukraine, Crimea, Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus, 1758), Beroe ovatus Bruguière, 1789, Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz, 1865, Pleurobrachia pileus (O. F. Müller, 1776), Rhizostoma pulmo (Macri, 1778) Geographical coverage EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box Coordinates: MinLong: 33,44; MinLat: 44,59 - MaxLong: 33,58; MaxLat: 44,62 [WGS84] MED, Ukraine, Crimea Stations
[Marine Regions] Sevastopol Coordinates: MinLong: 33,443; MinLat: 44,599 - MaxLong: 33,584; MaxLat: 44,625 [WGS84] Temporal coverage
26 January 2000 - 14 December 2011 Monthly Taxonomic coverage
Abundance Methodology
Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body [BODC] Biomass Methodology Temperature of the water body [BODC] Wet weight biomass of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body [BODC] Abundance: Hauling plankton nets All 4 types of nets were used for sampling the gelatinous zooplankton, Hauls were taken (with Conical plankton net (mesh size of 500 μm,; a net mouth opening of 0.8 m.), Conical plankton net (mesh size 200 μm, diameter: 50 cm), a Juday net (with a diameter of 36 cm) and a net (diameter: 1,3 m) ) from 0-10 m on the stations with a depth above 10 m and from 0 depth 2 m (or 3m) above the bottom on the stations less than 10 m depth. Animals bigger than 5 mm were sorted, counted and measured on board. Smaller animals were sorted, counted and measured under binoc Biomass: Calculation of jellyfish biomass The protocol discribes how the biomasses of the 4 jellyfish species have been calculated in this dataset. Literature cited: Finenko GA, Romanova ZA, Abolmasova GI, Anninsky BE, Svetlichny LS, Hubareva ES, Bat L, Kideys AE (2003) Population dynamics, ingestion, growth and reproduction rates of the invader Beroe ovata and its impact on plankton community in Sevastopol Bay, the Black Sea. J Plankton Res 25, p. 539 - 549. Mutlu E, Bingel F (1999) Distribution and abundance of ctenophores and Mnemiopsis leidyi: W = 1.074*L^2.76 (2 Contributors
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS), more, data owner, data creator, data manager, data creator
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Finenko, G.A.; Anninsky, B.E.; Abolmasova, G.I.; Romanova, Z.; Bat, L.; Kideys, A.E. (2009). Functional role of the ctenophore invaders Mnemiopsis leidyi Agassiz and Beroe ovata Mayer in inshore planktonic communities, in: Shulman, G.E. et al. Trophic relationships and food supply of heterotrophic animals in the pelagic ecosystem of the Black Sea. Black Sea Commission Publications, 2009(2): pp. 161-221, more
Finenko, G.A.; Romanova, Z.; Abolmasova, G.I.; Anninsky, B.E.; Pavlovskaya, T.V.; Bat, L.; Kideys, A.E. (2006). Ctenophores-invaders and their role in the trophic dynamics of the planktonic community in the coastal regions off the Crimean coasts of the Black Sea (Sevastopol Bay). Oceanology (Bulgaria) 46(4): 472-482., more
Finenko, G.A.; Romanova, Z.; Abolmasova, G.I.; Anninsky, B.E.; Svetlichny, L.S.; Hubareva, E.S.; Bat, L.; Kideys, A.E. (2003). Population dynamics, ingestion, growth and reproduction rates of the invader Beroe ovata and its impact on plankton community in Sevastopol Bay, the Black Sea. J. Plankton Res. 25(5): 539-549., more
Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research
Metadatarecord created: 2012-02-28
Information last updated: 2013-01-30