The Rshiny LifeWatch Data Explorer has been developed by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in 2015-2016. This interactive online tool gives access to all sensor data collected in the framework of the Flemish LifeWatch project, and provides an interface to explore and analyze these data. Some of the more recent data is temporarily under moratorium and therefore protected by password access.
The Data Explorer is built using RShiny server, Leaflet, ggplot2, PLotly, Dygraph and DataTables. The system is able to query MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Geoserver (WFS) and MongoDB servers.
Within the LifeWatch Data Explorer, 5 general sections are available to explore, plot, visualize and download data:
Several thematic portals have been set up as part of the Data Explorer:
This manual offers a detailed overview of the functionalities within the 5 sections in general, followed by an explanation of some more specific functionalities for each of the thematic portals.
The “Data source” section offers information about the provided data, an overview of the available columns in the data table and a summary statistics table. Also, this section allows the user to define several query options, data options and filter options, hereby remodeling the loaded data table. Finally the user can download the loaded data table.
Figure 1 – Screenshot of the “Data source” section (example for the underway data explorer)
Here, you get an explanation of the columns available in the data table. Depending on the Data options you choose (see further), more column names will be visible.
The summary statistics table gives an overview of the statistics for each column. For numerical columns, the minimum (Min.), first quartile (1st Qu.), median, mean, third quartile (3rd Qu.) and maximum (Max.) values are given. For non-numerical columns, a summary of the column scores is given.
Depending on the Data options you choose (see further), additional columns will be added to the summary statistics.
The size of the data table (rows x columns) that is currently loaded is shown in the upper right corner of each section in the data explorer.
The “Project Name” free text field below this offers the possibility to name your current selection.
The Query options menu allows you to redefine the loaded data table. You can specify the time frame for which you want to explore the data.
Some of the portals have additional, specific query options, which are explained further below.
Click on RELOAD once you have set the query options.
The Data options menu allows you to add columns with calculated data to the currently loaded data table. These additional columns contain values that are derived from or related to the original data. Examples of the calculated data:
Click on CALCULATE once you’ve selected the calculated data to add as additional columns.
The Filter options menu allows you to make a more detailed selection of the values you want to retain in the loaded data table. Several pick lists, sliders and maps are available to refine your selection (Figure 2).
Figure 2 – Overview of the filter options for the parameters in the underway data explorer (both default parameters as calculated data parameters).
The data table that is currently loaded can be obtained in a tab-delimited format by clicking on the DOWNLOAD button below the summary statistics table. The offered .tab file can be opened with any random text editor or spreadsheet software. The file will be named based on the project name given in the provided Project name free text field.
After you selected the Query options, Data options, and Filter options in the “Data source” section, you can go to the “Map” section in the data explorer to visualize the data on a map.
Figure 3 – Screenshot of the “Map” section (example for the Underway Data Explorer)
You can zoom in and out on the map, by using the + and – icons in the upper left corner of the map, or by scrolling with your cursor.
You can choose several backgrounds for your map by clicking on the layers icon in the upper right corner of the map: OSM (default), WorldImagery, Toner, Toner Lite, and Acetate.
You can select or deselect several layers in the map by clicking in the layers icon in the upper right corner of the map: Navigation, Sandbanks, Raster, Stations, Extra, and DataZoom.
The Filter options menu allows you to make a more detailed selection of the values you want to retain in the loaded data table.
In case filter options were previously chosen in the “Data source” section, these will also show in the “Map” section and can still be changed here if necessary.
The Plot options menu allows you to choose different ways of plotting the data on a map:
For each plot type, you can set several corresponding parameters by means of pick lists and sliders (see Figure 4).
Figure 4 – Map plot options for the underway data explorer
Click on ZOOM TO DATA once you have specified the plot settings.
After selecting the Query options, Data options, and Filter options in the “Data source” section, you can go to the “Data table” section to see the entire data table. The size of the data table (rows x columns) is shown in the upper right corner of the explorer.
Figure 5 – Screenshot of the “Data table” section (example for the Underway Data Explorer)
You can sort each column in the data table in ascending or descending order by clicking on the double arrows (↓↑) next to the column headers. You can add or delete columns to/from the table by clicking on Hide/show, and then select or deselect columns. Hidden columns can be seen by clicking on the green plus on the left of the table.
The Filter options menu allows you to make a more detailed selection of the values you want to retain in the loaded data table.
In case filter options were previously chosen in the “Data source” section, these will also show in the “Data Table” section and can still be changed here if necessary.
The Plot options menu allows you to choose between showing 100, 500 or 1000 records on 1 page.
After you selected the Query options, Data options, and Filter options in the “Data source” section, you can go to the “Time plots” section to plot the parameters against time.
Figure 6 – Screenshot of the “Time plots” section (example for the Underway Data Explorer)
You can delimit the visualized time period by using the sliders below the graph.
Hovering over the data points will display more information on the exact datetime and value in the right upper part of the graph.
For graphs with many data points you can choose to work with rolling averages. Default the rolling average is set to 1. You can change this in the lower left corner of the graph.
The Filter options menu allows you to make a more detailed selection of the values you want to retain in the loaded data table.
In case filter options were previously chosen in the “Data source” section, these will also show in the “Time plots” section and can still be changed here if necessary.
Several options are available for plotting the data:
After you selected the Query options, Data options, and Filter options in the “Data source” section, you can go to the “Plots” section to plot the data in several ways.
Figure 7 – Screenshot of the “Plots” section (example for the Underway Data Explorer)
If you hover over the plot with your cursor, you will see some icons in the upper right corner of the plot:
From left to right, these will enable you to:
The Filter options menu allows you to make a more detailed selection of the values you want to retain in the loaded data table.
In case filter options were previously chosen in the “Data source” section, these will also show in the “Plots” section and can still be changed here if necessary.
Library: Choose from the picklist if you want to use the Plotly or ggplot library.
Plottype: Several options are available to plot the data:
Parameter: Choose from the picklist which column can be plotted as a parameter on the Y axis of the plot.
Series: Choose from the picklist which column can represent separate lines or data series in the plot.
Xaxis parameter: Choose from the picklist which column can be plotted as a parameter on the X axis of the plot.
The Underway Data Explorer enables the user to explore data collected by the MIDAS underway continuous sampling system on board of the RV Zeeleeuw and RV Simon Stevin. MIDAS stands for Marine Information and Data Acquisition System, and was developed at the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) to plan the cruises of the RV Zeeleeuw initially, and later of its successor RV Simon Stevin, to register the research activities during these cruises and to capture navigational, meteorological and oceanographic parameters while underway.
The underway data has been collected by VLIZ since 2001, during an average of 150 sampling campaigns per year.
All general functionalities (Data source, Map, Data table, Time plots and Plots), as described in sections A1-A5 of this manual, are available within the Underway Data Explorer. Below you will find an explanation of some additional functionalities specific for this portal.
Due to the high spatial and temporal resolution of the underway data, loading these data for longer time periods can be difficult and take time.
Available columns (8) in the default summary statistics table:
Query options: Next to time frame, it is also possible to select the sample period: 1 min, 10 min, 60 min, and 1 day.
The Station Data Explorer enables the user to explore station data (MIDAS, CTD, water samples) collected during the MIDAS and LifeWatch monthly sampling campaigns on RV Zeeleeuw and RV Simon Stevin. Data is collected on 9 onshore stations and 8 offshore stations, distributed over the Belgian part of the North Sea, since 2001, on a monthly basis,
MIDAS stands for Marine Information and Data Acquisition System, and was developed at VLIZ to plan the cruises of the RV Zeeleeuw initially, and later of its successor RV Simon Stevin, to register the research activities during these cruises and to capture navigational, meteorological and oceanographic parameters while underway.
Next to the usual CTD sensors (conductivity, temperature and pressure), the VLIZ CTD contains a number of additional sensors that measure the following chemical/biological parameters: photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pCO2, acidity and oxidation reduction potential (ORP).
All water samples are collected at three meters water depth with Niskin bottles attached to the CTD carousel. For nutrients, around 200ml of water is filtered over a 0.2 um cellulose-acetate filter. Analyses on the filtered water are performed in cooperation with the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) who determines ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, silica and phosphate abundance in the water. For pigments, as much water as possible is filtered over a GFF Watmann filter which will retain pigments. Filters are frozen at liquid nitrogen and analyzed in collaboration with the Protistology & Aquatic Ecology research group of Ghent University (PAE Ugent). For Suspended matter a one liter container is filled with water and sent to the “Vlaamse Milieu Maatschappij” (VMM) for analysis.
All general functionalities (Data source, Map, Data table, Time plots and Plots), as described in sections A1-A5 of this manual, are available within the Station Data Explorer. Below you will find an explanation of some additional functionalities specific for this portal.
Available columns (44) in the default summary statistics table:
MIDAS data (5):
CTD data (6):
Nutrient concentrations (6):
Nutrients contain any material that organisms take in and assimilate for growth and maintenance. From seawater, most important nutrients are ammonium, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and silicates.
Pigment concentrations (25):
Several types of pigments are known of which most common are chlorophylls and carotenoids. Pigments are important in marine life for the important contribution to photosynthesis. Pigments are often used as a proxy to calculate phytoplankton biomass. Phytoplankton consists of organisms from bacteria to diatoms and large dinoflagellates.
Suspended matter (2):
The Zooplankton Data Explorer enables the user to explore data on zooplankton groups collected during the LifeWatch monthly sampling campaigns on RV Zeeleeuw and RV Simon Stevin.
Zooplankton has been sampled by vertical WP2 net tows since 2012 on a monthly basis. Afterwards the zooplankton samples are scanned with the ZooScan (at the Marine Station Ostend), and identified with plankton analyser software, followed by manual validation.
All general functionalities (Data source, Map, Data table, Time plots and Plots), as described in sections A1-A5 of this manual, are available within the Zooplankton Data Explorer. Below you will find an explanation of some additional functionalities specific for this portal.
Available columns (12) in the default summary statistics table:
The GPS Bird Tracking Data Explorer enables the user to explore data from the LifeWatch bird tracking project, collected by stations in Ostend, Zeebrugge and Vlissingen. The LifeWatch bird tracking project is a collaboration between the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Ghent University, the University of Antwerp, the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and the University of Amsterdam (UvA).
GPS bird tracking data has been collected since June 2013.
All general functionalities (Data source, Map, Data table, Time plots and Plots), as described in sections A1-A5 of this manual, are available within the GPS Bird Tracking Data Explorer. Below you will find an explanation of some additional functionalities specific for this portal.
Available columns (10) in the default summary statistics table:
Query options:
Next to time frame, it is also possible to specify the sample period: 1 min, 10 min, 60 min, 1 day, and 1 week. You can also use the query options to restrict data to several birds or species (HG=Herring Gull, LBB=Lesser Black Backed Gull, MH=Marsh Harrier).
Some project data is under moratorium, login to get full access.
The Fish Telemetry Data Explorer enables the user to explore data from several INBO and LifeWatch acoustic fish telemetry projects on the Belgian coast, Schelde, Maas and other rivers. The LifeWatch fish telemetry project is a collaboration between the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Ghent University, and the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ).
Fish telemetry data has been collected since January 2011.
All general functionalities (Data source, Map, Data table, Time plots and Plots), as described in sections A1-A5 of this manual, are available within the Fish Telemetry Data Explorer. Below you will find an explanation of some additional functionalities specific for this portal.
Possible calculations:
Available columns (11) in the default summary statistics table:
Query options:
Next to time frame, it is also possible to specify the sample period: 1 min, 60 min, 1 day, and 1 week.
Through the query options you can also restrict the fish telemetry data to several networks: Dijle, Thorntonbank, LifeWatch, Leopoldkanaal, Zeeschelde, Westerschelde, Demer, Noordzee, Bovenschelde, Maas Nederland, and Albertkanaal.
The fish telemetry data can also be restricted to several projects: Leopoldkanaal 2012, PhD Jan Reubens, LifeWatch, Albertkanaal 2013, Bovenschelde 2011, Demer 2014, Dijle 2015 and Zeeschelde 2015.
Furthermore you can select what needs to be calculated (time bins, residencies or active network).
Log in:
Some project data is under moratorium, login to get full access.
The Bat recorder Data Explorer enables the user to explore data from the LifeWatch acoustic sensor network for bat detection.
The omnidirectional bat recorder (ecoObs BatCorder) captures ultrasonic sound with a sampling rate of 500 kHz at 16 bit in the frequency range of 16 to 150 kHz. Powering the device is done using batteries and solar panels. The bat recorder is able to recognize bat calls from environmental noise in real-time and records these call sequences. These recordings are analyzed using software algorithms that classify the calls according to the bat species, genus or higher taxonomic group that produced the calls. The bat recorder is scheduled to measure continuously and its recordings are stored in a database.
Currently, data is available of two bat recorders: (1) one at the premises of the Marine Station Ostend (MSO), near the dunes of the right bank of the Ostend harbor entrance (installed in March 2014); and (2) one on one of the C-power wind turbines (installed in October 2014).
All general functionalities (Data source, Map, Data table, Time plots and Plots), as described in sections A1-A5 of this manual, are available within the Bat recorder Data Explorer. Below you will find an explanation of some additional functionalities specific for this portal.
Available columns (7) in the default summary statistics table:
Query options:
Next to time frame, it is also possible to specify the sample period: 1 min, 60 min, and 1 day.
The CPOD Data Explorer enables the user to explore data from the LifeWatch cetacean passive acoustic network. Acoustic marine mammal data has been collected by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) since 2014.
All general functionalities (Data source, Map, Data table, Time plots and Plots), as described in sections A1-A5 of this manual, are available within the CPOD Data Explorer. Below you will find an explanation of some additional functionalities specific for this portal.
Possible calculations:
Available columns (12) in the default summary statistics table:
Query options:
It is possible to specify the time frame, as well as sample period: 1 min, 60 min, 1 day, and 1 week. The Quality query allows to select Hi, Mod, Lo quality or a combination of these.
Furthermore, you can select what needs to be calculated (time bins, residencies or active network).
Log in:
Some project data is under moratorium, login to get full access.